An Ethiopian Studies Resource Centre A Feasibility Study

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"Ethiopian Studies" is an area study. "Area study" is arnfield of study that falls within the scope of a group ofrnstudies known as Entity studies which are trans- orrnmulti-disciplinary in scope.rnWhat makes information provision to researchers of arearnstudies challenging is that an information systemrnsupporting area studies should be able to assist arnresearcher in a particular aspect of an area e. g.rnlanguages of Ethiopia, find information, data andrnmaterials pertinent to such a study from those ofrnspecialists in other fields, e.g. studies in Ethiopianrnliterature, studies in interregional migration, etc.rnAn information system, in an effort to meet thernchallenges, should develop tools, such as, specializedrnindexes, seepage studies, etc., which can show suchrninterdisciplinary links, between the research done inrndifferent fields or from different points of view.rnDatabases of different types of records of, for example,rnbibliographic, profiles of experts, of institutions,rnongoing research, artifacts and museum objects are alsornnecessary. Such an information system can enhancerncontacts among researchers, research institutes, etc. In An Ethiopian Studies Resource Centre:rnA Feasibility Studyrnitchesrnway, the system can also assist in the organizationrnof research on the entity/area.rnThis study attempts to make a feasibility study andrnpropose a plan for implementing an Ethiopian studiesrnResource center equipped with the necessary resources andrninformation and capable of providing efficient servicesrnto researchers/students of Ethiopian Studies as mentionedrnabove.rnPrototype databases consisting of bibliographic records,rnrecords of museum objects, no book materials,rnprofiles of experts/researchers, researchrnserials,rnprojects,rninstitutions, information systems and databases have beenrndesigned to demonstrate generation of informationrnservices and products.

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An Ethiopian Studies Resource Centre A Feasibility Study