Addis Ababa Water and Sewerage Authority (AA WSA) was established to providernpotable water for the residents of Addis Ababa and to discharge waste water from the city ThernAuthority uses different facilities for providing its services. The water distribution and sewerrnnetwork systems are among the facilities which cover large geographical area, and need day-todayrnmaintenance and operation. AA WSA needs and uses different types of mapped and recordedrnsources of information for managing the water distribution and sewer network systems. Inrnrelation to the management of the water distribution and sewer network systems, a survey hasrnbeen conducted to assess the information needs of the users, and the support of the existingrninformation services. The major problems in getting adequate information have been identified.rnThe methods employed for the purpose of data collection include questionnaire method,rninterview method, observational study, and literature survey. The results of the study generallyrnindicated that the users need various internally generated mapped and recorded information forrndifferent managerial, operational, and planning purposes. The survey indicated also that the usersrnhad problems in getting timely access to reliable and adequate information, and the existingrninformation services were deficient in meeting their requirements.rnTo improve the sefV1ces of existing information systems and to create conduciverncondition for the users to get timely, :elevant and reliable information, the study has proposed therndevelopment of two separate but closely linked systems the library system; and the computerbasedrninformation support system For the computer-based information support system, thernrequired application systems have been identified. The detailed logical design of the applicationrnsystems, and the detailed logical and physical database designs have been carried out The prototype database:, and a u,er interface have been designed to demonstrate that the applicatIonsrnare implementable and user-friendly. Specific recommendations for the improvement of therninformation services of the AAWSA Library, and for the implementation of the computer-basedrninformation support system have been made.