The Effect Of Macro Business Environment On Export Performance And The Mediation Role Of Strategic Market Orientation The Case Of Textile And Garment Exporter Multi-national Companies In Ethiopia

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The purpose of this study is examining the effect of macro business environment on exportrnperformance and the mediation role of strategic market orientation of MNCs exporting textilernand garment which are based in Addis Ababa. This study used quantitative research methodrnand employed explanatory survey design to objectively answer the research questions. In orderrnto achieve the study objectives, 165 sample respondents were selected through stratifiedrnrandom sampling technique. Accordingly, data were collected through self-administeredrnquestionnaire from sample respondents. Out of 165 respondents, 150 workable data werernobtained. These data, analyzed through inferential statistics tools. An inferential statistics withrnthe help of SPSS confirmed that macro business environment has positive and statisticallyrnsignificant relationship with export performance. Moreover, macro business environment hasrnstrong and significant effect on export performance. The technological factors were identifiedrnto have the bigger impact on export performance. Meanwhile, strategic market orientationrnpartially mediates the relationship between macro business environment and exportrnperformance. Macro business environment in general have strong effect in shaping therncompany’s strategic orientation. Critical lesson were observed in policy, industry, firms andrneducational implications.rnKey words: Multinational-companies, political and legal environment, economic environment,rnsocio-cultural environment, technological environment, environmental factors, strategic marketrnorientation, export performance

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The Effect Of Macro Business Environment On Export Performance And The Mediation Role Of Strategic Market Orientation The Case Of Textile And Garment Exporter Multi-national Companies In Ethiopia