The Challenges Of Structural And Top Management Changes Of Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation The Human Resource And The Stability Of The Organization In Focus From 2006 To 2010 E.c.

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This paper aims at analyzing the challenges of structural and top management changes of EBC: rnthe human resource and the stability of the organization in focus between 2006 -2010 E.C. EBC rnis totally under the control of the government, and the various ruling political parties emerged in rnthe country at different times. Due to this reason, the Corporation has been managed by the top rnmanagers directly assigned by the government and the leading political party. The managers rnalso assign the subordinate management members depending on their political loyalty. Again thernincoming EBC top managers seriously focus on changing the organizational structure of the rnCorporation to adjust it to their political, personal and group interests. The general objective of rnthis study is to assess the workers position instability, workers placement, floating and turnover.; rnIt also examines the unexpected financial expense incurred as a result of EBC’s top managerial rnand structural changes and reforms from 2006 to 2010 E.C. In addition, its impacts on the rnstability and progress of the organization are also assessed. The findings of this study shows that rnEBC’s organizational structures between 2006 and 2010 were changed three times as a result of rnthe changes of the top managers.. In this study, the human resource management theories and rnthe structural change theory have been used in evaluating the focused 2006, 2008 and 2010 E.C. rnorganizational structural changes of EBC. The qualitative research approach was used in this rnstudy since one advantage of the qualitative method in exploratory research is the use of open ended questions and probing that gives participants the opportunity to respond in their own rnwords. The researcher collected data from both primary and secondary data sources. In this rnmanner, the primary data were collected from the human resource management department of rnEBC, the former committee members of the structural changes, workers of EBC, participants of rnfocal group discussion, in depth interviewees, key informants, and participant observation. This rnresearch employed purposive sampling techniques that are a form of non-probability sampling. rnThis sampling method involved purposive or deliberate selection of the participants. The data rnanalysis has been guided by the research objectives and questions; also by concept and themes rnthat emerged from the field data. Based on the data analyzed, the major findings of this study rnare; the redundantly applied organizational structures had been used as tools of individual rnmanagers to perform their own interests and they used the structure to promote whom they liked. rnBy doing this, they tried to extend their network. Lack of good and stable working conditions, rnpolitical loyalty requirements and interferences in professional jobs, good governance problems rnand biased services allocated to employees were also among the findings. During the period of rnthe study, EBC had weaknesses in considering the capacity and experiences of employees when rnapplying structural changes and reforms. Some employees got better position by lobbying the rnhigher officials of the organization including the head.

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The Challenges Of Structural And Top Management Changes Of Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation The Human Resource And The Stability Of The Organization In Focus From 2006 To 2010 E.c.