In modern democracies, the legislature (councilors), often considered as the forum of thernnation, acts as guardian of the electorate's trust. As a result, they are tasked withrnensuring executive accountability through a different process that regularly assesses thernperformance of executive institutions and their officials. Accordingly, with regard to ourrncountry Ethiopia, when we look the federal and all states constitution, the legislativernorgan at all tier of government is declared to be the highest political authority andrntherefore mandated and empowered to check and oversee the performance of executivernorgan in-line with the legislatures intention and the people's desire. However; variousrncomplaints appear that there are certain visible problems and defects that hinder thernpractical applicability of legislative oversight at all level. Especially at woreda level,rnmany service takers often complain that the woreda councils are non-functional.rnConsequently the objective of this paper is to assess the practice and effectiveness ofrnworeda council oversight, over executive organ in Ameya Woreda ofOromia region.rnTo meet the above objectives, the research employed a qualitative case study approach.rnBoth primary and secondary data sources were used in gathering pertinent information.rnThe technique of collecting primary data includes personal observation, interviews withrnworeda council speaker, with members of woreda council, with selected woreda sectorrnemployees and focus group discussions with the selected standing committees of thernworeda council were conducted. FDRE constitution and ONRS constitutions and alsornpublished and unpublished electronic materials, books, different reports, and articleswere used to get the necessary data. To this end a qualitative descriptive method ofrnanalysis is used to analyze the primary and secondary data.rnThe findings of the study revealed that, the practice of legislative oversight of executivernorgan at woreda level is not effective in ensuring accountability. It is challenged by manyrnproblems such as lack of knowledge and skill, lack of capacity, lack of councilorsrncommitment, finanCial problems, the extreme fitSion of power between woreda councilrnand woreda executive bodies and finally the problems related with the election system ofrnworeda council were assessed in this study as the major hindering factors for therneffectiveness of woreda council oversight.rnFinally, to make woreda council oversight meaningful and to create an accountablerngovernment organs at local level, recommendations are made on knowledge, skill andcapacity issues, commitments of the council, financial and human resources, thernseparation of power at woreda level and election system.