The Liabilities Of Multimodal Transport Operator In Ethiopia The Law And The Practice

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Multimodal transport refers to the transport of goods from place to another place by using morernthan one mode of transport. The main actor who enters into contract to coordinate differentrnmodes of transport like; road, rail, air, pipeline etc. and finally results in the most effective andrnefficient movement of goods under its own responsibility is Multimodal Transport Operator.rnNon-uniformity of multimodal transport laws results in problems when loss, damage or delayrnhappens to the cargoes. However, although attempts are made to make uniform internationalrnMultimodal Convention, the International Unimodal Transport Conventions also apply tornMultimodal Transport.rnLiability rules vary greatly from one mode of transport to the other and results in uncertainty onrnthe liability of Multimodal Transport Operator. The main objectives of this study is examiningrnpractical issues, court decisions and prescribe problems related with the Liabilities of thernmultimodal transport Operator in Ethiopia which is Ethiopian Shipping and Logistics ServicernEnterprise.rnHow Multimodal Transport problems were solved in Ethiopia and multimodal transportrnproclamation was examined in terms of Interviews made and FDRE Federal Court decision.rnThus it will be determined whether the needs of multimodal transport will be met through newrnlegislative studies.

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The Liabilities Of Multimodal Transport Operator In Ethiopia The Law And The Practice