The 2015 Paris Climate Agreement Policy And Legislative Implications For Ethiopia

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This paper assesses the policy and legislative implications of The Paris Agreement examining this issue, it discusses the global as well as the national climate challengernposed currently and the international legal steps taken as a response to this challenge. Climaternchange has become an undisputed fact and it is threatening the globe, and this is why states haverntried to come up with international law solutions for the past half a century. The most resent ofrnthese is the 2015 Paris climate agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention onrnClimate change. This paper explains the basic structure of and commitments under The ParisrnAgreement. The paper argues that there has been a big step taken by Ethiopia towards thernimplementation of its policy commitments under The Paris Agreement, although thernpracticability of these policy instruments is not yet proved positive. This paper also argues thatrnthere has been no binding legal instrument, in Ethiopia, with regards to climate change inrngeneral and The Paris Agreement in particular and therefore recommends the issuance of suchrnlaws before 2020.the paper also concludes that the existing environmental policy of Ethiopiarnseems to be neither exhaustive nor specific of climate change issues under The Paris Agreementrnand recommends that its revision under progress becomes considerate of this.

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The 2015 Paris Climate Agreement Policy And Legislative Implications For Ethiopia