The Role Of The Press In A Democracy (the Press In Perspective)

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The study deals with the analysis of the   role of the Nigerian press in the democratic struggle in Nigeria. The research method used was the survey method, with the questionnaires and interview as the  method for data collection. The study kicks off from the definition of democracy as the government of the people by the  people and for the people, including brief definition of some features of democracy like popular sovereignty, popular consultation and periodical elections. Using constentical questionnaires given to eight  (80) respondents, the study analyzer the  press and its revolution and power a growth and development of the Nigerian press in democracy. Respondents are polled in four categories: Lectures layers politicians and general citizens . Analyses of their  responses show that the press is essential for provide my owners for the participation of all members of the society in decision making. As a recommendation the press is urged to put up expensive and effective machinery to cover the nation as a whole and not just the cities and their aliclist inhabitants the  press was also admonished to work towards national cohesion and to d  this it should consciously purse the goal of getting Nigerian to think and reason as Nigerian rather than alongside the dividends of ethnicity the findings  are

That the Nigeria press has so for performed its role of adducting and people on the need to make wise choice from competing alternatives during elections.

That the  role of the press in promoting and entrenching sustainable and  effective democracy is      very essential.

That the Nigerian press has fearlessly and responsibly performed its roles of not only informing people to make wise choices, but also safeguarding. 




Title page                                                                                        II

Certification                                                                          III

Dedication                                                                                      IV

Acknowledgement                                                              V

Abstract                                                                                VII

Table of contents                                                                          VIII

List of tables and figures                                                   XI     


INTRODUCTION                                                                  1

Statement of problem                                                                  7

Rationale and Purpose of the study                               9

Significance of the study                                                   11

Research Questions                                                          12

Research Hypothesis                                                                   13

Definitions of terms                                                            14

Limitation of the study                                                                 15



LITERATURE REVIEW                                                       16

Press its Revolution and power growth and

 development of Nigeria press Expected Roes of press in Democracy Philosophies or Typologies concept of freedom of press in democracy                                                               31


RESEARCH METHODOLOGY METHOD                         37

 Sampling Procedure                                                                   38

Data Collection Instrument                                                         39

Data collection method                                                      40

Data Analysis                                                                       40


DATA ANALYSIS AND FINDING                                                42



Findings                                                                                53


Recommendation and                                                                 54

Bibliography                                                                         57

Questionnaire                                                                      60












TABLE 1 :The respondents view of the press roles in Nigeria democracy .

TABLE 11 : Respondents rating of the press roles in Nigeria democracy so far. 

TABLE 111:       The respondents” view of the major roles o the press in Nigerian Democracy

TABLE 1V:         .   How far has the press performed it roles.

TABLE   V:         respondents view on whether Nigerian press is free to  perform its roles.  

TABLE V1:  The threat to press freedom in Nigeria.




Democracy in its simplest definition means government of the people, of the people and for the people. It its often referred to as government of popular participation, even though sound schools of thought will argue  that democracy in the contemporary society cannot accommodate every member of a society, what can be possible is representative participation.

          However, in its original form  and as practiced in ancient Greek city stated and approximated of New England town meetings and swiss contions, Democracy simply means full participation of all citizens in the daily routine of administration of community affairs. Literally however, democracy means government  of the people, by the  people and for the people. This is derivative from two Greek word that make up the  word “Democracy” which literally means people to be ruled.

          Yet. Some western political theorists for example, kotler how holds the view that democracy is only a system of government that guarantees direct maximum popular control over the decision.

          From the foregoing, it is clear that democracy as the ancient Greek developed it entails  the participation of every member of a society.  Meanwhile, the participation will be difficult to obtain or guarantee in modern societies or state, in its purest form. What could be obtained is therefore representation.  To this  and Robert Dahl and others, believe that is safe only in the hands of popularly elected elite whose powers are limited and who can be removed while in the officer by the people whenever their wishes are not being not. Thus, the focus of the thesis is on effective popular control over  the elected representative of the people as opposed to direct participation, which is in modern control, neither desirable nor attainable. Invariably, what we call democracy today is representative government. If means that the citizens should choose those they feel could represent their interest and government on their behalf according to the principles of majority rule. In other words, the philosophical basis of representative government is the idea of popular sovereignty.

Essentially whatever may be the difference is important to note that ideal democracy, guarantees the government that will be in the interest of the people. The government that will be responsive to popular wishes and guarantee that every citizen must have some share in the decision –making process either by way of directs participation, by way of electing the decision makes and popular control.

          Indeed, democracy must hold certain common promises that makes it 50 attractive to all who profess or aspire to practices it. In its quality, shunning all forms of class differences. In its  economic sense, it attempts to level inequalities in wealth. And in total and political sense, it aims basically at securing the consent of the governed, protecting his human personality and achieving the well.

If it is agreed that these are the goals of democracy, to how than can a governmental system achieve the goal ? Or if any goal system claim to level itself as democratic, what features do are look for a system. Perhaps, an answer to these questions would help in quintessence of democracy.



POPUAR SOVEREIGNITY: For a democratic system of government, it is necessary that sovereign power resides in the  people. If the ultimate command of fill and exclusive legal power,

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The Role Of The Press In A Democracy (the Press In Perspective)