Problems Of Human Resources Management In Enugu State Government. ( A Case Study Of Enugu State Broadcasting Service ( Esbs) Enugu)

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Problem of human resource management in Nigerian  organizations. A case study of Enugu State broadcasting  service (ESBS) Enugu 2000 to 2009. This aims to biralve the mysteries surrounding  Nigeria organizations which has  in no small measure resulted  in inefficient  and ineffective running of most organization in the country. The internal and the external  constraints.

For this particular research  work some  problems are  given solutions some methods were used for the gathering  analysis and presentation of  data. Primary  and secondary  source  of data were employed for this project like human resource management  interview and  questionnaires were  all used to licit  facts for the work.


At the and of the whole exercise our research  revealed  that some problems rally  exist in Nigerian organization which of properly  handled  be well trained human resources  managers will be reduced  to bearable  minimum.  Level.   





3.1      Whether importance is attached to human resource management ESBS.

3.2      Seated department for study the ESBS.

3.3      Recovery rate/ percentage from respondents.

4.2      Effects of problems of human resources management in the ESBS.

4.3      The impact of trade union in human resources management of ESBS.

4.4      Workers Interests in joining trade union.

4.5      Defects of trade union in ESBS.

4.6      Cause of human resources management problems.











Title Page                                                                                 i

Certification Page                                                             ii

Dedication                                                                       iii

Acknowledgement                                                            iv

Abstract                                                                           v

List of Tables                                                                   vi

Table of Contents                                                             vii




1.1      Background of the study                                          1

1.2      Statement of the problem                                        5

1.3      Objectives of the study                                             7

1.4      Research Question                                                   8

1.5      Significance of the study                                          9

1.6      Scope of the study                                                   10

1.7      Limitations of the study                                           11

1.8      Definition of major terms                                                 11



2.0   Review of relevant/ Related Literature                     13

2.1   Definition of Human Resources                                       13



3.1      Source of Data                                                         33

3.2      Population of study                                                  34

3.3      Determination of sample size                                   34

3.4      Sample Technique                                                   35

3.5      Selection and construction of Research Intuition    38

3.6      Administration of  Research

        Instrument (Questionate)                                                 38

3.7      Instrument returns Rate.                                         39




4.1      Presentation of Data  Analysis                                 41





5.1      Summary  of findings                                              50

5.2      Recommendations                                                   51

5.3      Conclusion                                                              52


Bibliography                                                                    53

Appendices                                                                      55



1.1   Background of Study

Human resource  management according  to dressier    (1973 -125) can be defined as “procedures, activities or action directed toward finding  the solutions to the manpower problems of an organization that is actions which are placement, wages, recruitment, selection and placement  wages and salaries administration industrial relations and joint consolation, employer welfare training and development motivation, employee appraisal and assessment and effective unitization of human resource of an organization.

According to Ubeku (1975-98) the major importance of the subject matter is the fact that is a basic function of management. Unless it is effectively carried out by all members of line management. Technical efficiency will be inadequate to achieve organizational success.  Problem of human resource should not be through of as something separate from technical problem.

Bath  are put of a single situation  that need to be understood and dealt with by the live officials  beginning with the does executive  officer (CEO) Also human effort differs from other factors of production.

This is due to the fact that the employee has his own objectives which must be integrated and reconciled with those of management or this organization.

In caring out human resources management practices both individuals and group relations are taken into account.

Human resource management according to strawese   (1988-98) “Started in the form of record keeping. It kept employment or rather managers  including  such factual materials, as data employed back ground information  successive  Gods held in the organization  with dates and wages received matters in the relationship of the  people to the organization.

        Majority of  the people with particular reference to the elite will be  wondering why there are problems of human recourses management in the  private and public sector  of Nigeria organization  first of all emphasis  will be made on the importance of human resource in every economy.

Factually Wendell (1984-30) described human resource as  “those individuals engaged  in any organization activity  regard less of level.

Human resource management is also concerned with the obtaining of this best possible staff of any organization and having gotten then looking after them so that they will stony and give the best of their jobs.

However Wendell went further to emphasize that there are no demarcation for was and woman working for an organization. the human resources  of the government for example in the Enugu State broadcasting  service (ESBS) Enugu ranging from the manager down to the messenger any activities in the organization from stating to the finishing stages depend on human resources or the staff. Therefore any organization aimed at achieving some of her goals must adequate be motivated. The researcher clearly understands. That the goal cannot be achieved only by providing and ensuring adequate supply of personnel.       

This because  the human resources or personnel  staff that are not well motivated  in an organization can never give out  their best furthermore  James (1978-75) observed that the effective use of people is the key productivity. Motivation of employees  in an organization is to get the  best of their skill and abilities  James  further observed that although the task of motivating workers  rested on the managements team as a whole managers have more rules to  play in other words the sort of continuous day to day caching appraised and encouragement  that the employee will need will be more them over before managers have upper hands in motivator workers when  managers work together with their workers they will know and satisfy their problems for  better result.

        In most case the above is expected to be obtained in the public sector but reverse is the case. This is because government will be able to maintain constant and adequate supply of personnel staff let alone motivating the little they have finally. His project will be a contribution finding possible solutiques to most of the problems of human resource managers in Nigerian organizations in general and Enugu State particular.


It is pertinent  to note that adequate emphasis  have not beam laid by parastatals in terms of promoting  a favorable and this has greatly affected them performance.



The  dynamic nature of the environment in which business operates consists an important factor in that it affects management decision and actions. The environment decision and both internal and external factors such as economic social political government technological top management employee task among others for an organization to remain in business it has to help to shape its environment  due to the help to change that the organizations operating  environment undergoes.


The type of image which an organization projects determines its areas of  procurement recruitment and selection  training and development. This is one of the problems which rules human resources management in the ESBS Enugu.




How human resource ( man power is articulated towards the attainment  of the organizational goal and aspiration is one of the out standing  problem  of source manager in Nigeria organization which Enugu state broadcasting  service  (ESBS) is among.


i       To ascertain  the scope of action of human resources     management practices in ESBS FROM 2004-2005.

ii      To identify the  level in which the  efficiency exist.

iii     To ascertain the defiantness experienced in the      performance of these practices.

 iv    Finally to identify how and who will enable the government to discern and  tackle the ant ributes at problem of human resources manager in Enugu State government parietals Enugu State broadcasting  service.



The under listed research question would be necessary to make this research a huge success.

1.       Does the Enugu State broadcasting service attach due importance to the production of human resources management.

2.       Have human resource managers contributed to the organizational profitability of the Enugu State broadcasting service?

3.       What are the major problems facing human resources managers in Enugu State broad casting service?

4.       Does the ESBS have any department responsible for proffering lotions to the human resources managers’ problem in the organization?

5.       What measures do they take to make some those human resources managers problems do not cause the organization to be divided?

6.       What is the method used in ensuring coordinal relationship between human resources managers and the workers of ESBS?


Due emphasis has not bean laid on the efficient and effective management in both public and private organization to attain considerable economic growth.

This implies efficient management of material, money- machinery as the management ethics. This study will enable management  both public and private owned parietals to know the major problems facing  the human resources managers and the possible ways of salving those problem the issue have is that the personnel functions are not being properly performed  planning  for instance which contain the major personnel programmes is  taken for granted in many Nigeria business enterprises. This has contributed in no small measure to the poor performance in the Nigerian an public and private sectors.

In some organization emphasis placed more on profit objective ignoring moment philosophic in management such as the social responsibility of the firm among others. All those factors which constitute problem to human resources managers will be treated fully in sub sequent chapters.


The conduct of this research and all the information’s obtained  are the ESBS especially between 2004-2005.

In this case the  study focuses on office at human resource management  in the Enugu broadcasting service which tends to look at the organization and its environment its position  in the mind of the public consumer and the industry  of large.

The  success or failure of an organization depended on how its resource  are patronized and any organization  whose human resources  management  (managers) have been soiled or sin cared with would  can hardly matter it in the  business world which is dynamic.


During the curse of this research work some constraints were encountered. The research encountered much financial constraint which limited the scope of this study. Time for research has and un-corporative attitude of some staff members  among others limited the  amount of  information at the disposal  of the researcher.



EFFICIENT:                     This means the ability of doing                                                something well and through with                                    no waste of money, time, energy                                         and other resources.

ASPIRATION:         This simply means aims of some                                     body which is always backed-up with                             zeal for its achievement.

PARASTATALS:      These are establishment that carryout                             specified functions to the masses.

DYNAMIC:               This world  is synonymous with charge                           it means not  steady in existence.

MANAGEMENT:      This means the act of running and                                  controlling a business or similar                                     organization as well as other                                            resources theme in.

MOTIVATION:                 This is the more drive that gingers a                                        worker to put in the best expected of                               him or her at his or her work place.

BROADCASTING:    This act of disseminating information                             via the mass median to the general                                       public. 

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Problems Of Human Resources Management In Enugu State Government. ( A Case Study Of Enugu State Broadcasting  Service ( Esbs) Enugu)