The Role Of Service Quality On Customer Satisfactionusing Servqual (the Case Of Commercial Bank Of Ethiopia North Addis Ababa District)

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The major aim of the study is to asses’ customer satisfaction in terms of service quality and to identify andrnrank service quality dimensions with in CBE North Addis Ababa district using SERVQUAL. Five dimensionsrnin service quality such as Tangibles, Reliabilities, Responsiveness, Assurance and Empathy are consideredrnas the base for this study. A questionnaire for such purpose was designed and explanatory statisticalrnmethods were applied to analyze the collected data. A sample of 400 customers was interviewed with arnstructured questionnaire and the correlation result indicates that a strong positive correlation exhibitsrnbetween the independent variable which is overall mean gap score value and the dependent one which isrnsatisfaction level of customers. Furthermore, the output from the regression analysis revealed that overallrnmean gap score value has a positive influence on customer satisfaction. Additionally, utilizing SERVQUALrntechniques on the five independent variables shows that only tangible dimension has a positive gap scorernwhereas reliability has a least gap score, followed by assurance, empathy and responsiveness. Finally, basedrnon the findings, an according recommendation is forwarded.

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The Role Of Service Quality On Customer Satisfactionusing Servqual (the Case Of Commercial Bank Of Ethiopia North Addis Ababa District)