The Effect Of Tourism Marketing On Tourist Flow The Case Of Selected Tourism Site In Addis Ababa

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Tourism is one of the fastest growing segments of the travel and tourism industry. The indicatorrnof the city tourism growth is becoming increasingly apparent in Addis Ababa and playing arnbig role. This thesis is meant to review the factors influencing tourism marketing in AddisrnAbaba, to realize the objectives; the researcher employed both quantitative and qualitativernresearch method. A quantitative research approach is during this study Data (n=74) arerncollected from tour and travel trade sectors (firms) that are a part of the Ethiopian tour operatorrnassociation (ETOA), a survey questionnaire and therefore the collected data is analyzed by SPSSrnversion 23; using four Factors to Analyses wont to measure tourism marketing in Addis Ababa,rnfollowed by a descriptive test, reliability test using Cronbach's test ANOVA test and multiplernliner regression. Both primary and secondary data were used to examine the factors influencingrntourism marketing in attracting tourists to visit selected tourism sites in Addis Ababa. Torngather the first data, deep and continuous personal observation on tourist destination and otherrnsources gathered from various literatures. The analysis of the study revealed that tourismrnproduct, tourism promotion and distribution highly affect tourism marketing but price doesn’trnaffect tourism marketing as much as the other factor although it grand mean was 2.6 which is onrnthe border of neutral. Even though the town of Addis Ababa tourism potentials has diversifiedrnvalues, most of them haven't yet been developed and marketed as they ought to flow from tornvaried impeding factors like lack of budget, lack professional trained man power, lack of cityrntourism facilities and absence of economic maintenance of city tourism.rnTherefore, it's recommended that there's got to develop and encourage the potentials andrncollaboration of the town tourism development between Addis Ababa city government andrnministry of culture and tourism offices with different stakeholders like tour operator, agent, eventrnorganizer, entertainment organizer, local people, private sector and Addis city governmentrnoffices as all are responsible to develop tourism potentials of the Addis Ababa

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The Effect Of Tourism Marketing On Tourist Flow The Case Of Selected Tourism Site In Addis Ababa