The Role Of Sms Fundraising In Supporting Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam The Case Of Project 8100-a Crowdfunding

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Crowd funding is one alternative to traditional source of fund like banks. In its common form,rncrowd funding approaches help individuals donate small money by using their credit card andrninternet. But, alternative to internet, Ethiopians have demonstrated the use of SMS messagingrntechnologies to back different projects including GERD. But there is lack of knowledge on how torndesign and manage crowd fund in general. This problem is even more serious when it comes torndesigning and managing SMS based crowd funding campaigns. In line with this, the currentrnpaper analyzed over two million records of 8100A crowd funding platform. The dataset is forrn2020 and 2021. This analysis is complemented with qualitative semi structured interview.rnAnalysis of the dataset revealed, many insightful information that informs on how to design andrnrun effective crowd funding campaigns. Specifically, the study revealed: participation of citizensrnin terms of across the seven days of the week, majority of Ethiopians participated on Thursdayrnwhile Saturday is the least, the number of participants in 2020 is almost 9 times that ofrnparticipants in 2021,individuals whose phone starts with 0920 are the highest number of backersrnof GERD while individuals whose phone codes starts with 0911, 0950, 0970, and 0980 arernamong the least, the highest number of citizens participated in the months of May, June, and Julyrnwhile the number of participants is getting lower and lower after September, the number ofrnsubscribers to donate and the number of unsubscribes from the service is almost equal. Theserninsights are really touchy and to be fixed immediately than delayed.rnAnalysis of semi structured interview data, the above insights, and some of the principles ofrncrowd funding, 8100A crowd funding campaign is not designed and managed well. There arernmany missing elements. For example: the content of ad message is not informative, notrnpersuasive, lack of interactivity of the platform, time the ad broadcasted is not appropriate, therernare also some concerns on how it is managed. Thus, there are many areas to improve so thatrnproportional number of citizens register and back the project in a more sustainable mannerrnrather than unsubscribing from the service.rnKeywords: GERD, SMS based crowd funding, data analytics, and visual analyti

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The Role Of Sms Fundraising In Supporting Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam The Case Of Project 8100-a Crowdfunding