The Impact Of Advertising On The Marketing Of Global System For Mobile (gsm) Communication In Enugu State (a Study Of Mtn Nigerian Communication Limited)

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 This study is to identify the impact of Advertising  on the marketing Global system for mobile (G.S.M) Communication  in Enugu a case study of MTN Nigeria Communication Limited.


The main purpose of this research among others is to know the important and benefit of advertising to the general public such as those in the top position both federal, state and local government level.  Also to the business class they can now  obtain and give information to one another  any time they want  it.


The  successful implementation of the advertising will help to bridge the gap between the rich and  the poor in terms of NITEL being the  only source of telephone communication in Nigerian.  It also intends to check the influences of advertising on purchasing habit of subscribers.  To  find out methods of budget allocation to advertising by MTN Nigeria Communication Limited.  The effect  of such  influence, if any  on sales in MTN Nigeria Communication Limited.


The major and promotion types adopted by MTN Advert enable companies to tell widespread  but selected audience about their products or service in the word of their  own choosing when and where they believe their subscribers are most likely to see them.


The simple act of  advertising make an important statement about a company, that it has a product of services of which is provided that meets a particular need which it backs publicity with its name and reputation and that would be of vale  to the subscriber and is prepared to compete for it.


TITLE PAGE                                                                 II

APPROVAL PAGE                                                        III

DEDICATION                                                                IV

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT                                               V

ABSTRACT                                                                   VII

TABLE OF CONTENT                                                  IX

CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION                              1

1.1             HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY         1


1.3             OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY                           8

1.4             SIGNIFICANCE OF THE  STUDY                      9

1.5             RESEARCH QUESTION                                     10

1.6             RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS                                 10

1.7             CONCEPTUAL AND

 OPERATIONAL DEFINITION                            11

1.8              LIMITATION OF THE STUDY                          12


2.1             SOURCES OF LITERATURE                              14

2.2             REVIEW  OF LITERATURE                               14

2.3             SUMMARY OF LITERATURE REVIEW            25

CHAPTER THREE- METHODOLOGY                        

3.1             RESEARCH METHOD                                        27

3.2             RESEARCH DESIGN                                           27

3.3             RESEARCH SAMPLE                                          28

3.4             MEASURING INSTRUMENT                              28

3.5             DATA COLLECTION                                          29

3.6             DATA ANALYSIS                                               30

3.7             EXPECTED RESULT                                           30


4.1             DATA PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS          32



5.1             SUMMARY OF  FINDINGS                                52

5.2             CONCLUSION                                                     56

5.3             RECOMMENDATION                                         54

BIBLIOGRAPHY                                                 58

QUESTIONNAIRE                                               60




1.1     For proper elucidation and understanding of this discourse, it is of paramount importance to trace the history/origin of the research topic in accordance with the saying “that anything, man or nation without a history is equally without a future” can be most applicable in this write up or research.

          Having established this promise I shall proceed to trace the history of advertising globally and zero it  to Nigeria, industrialism but an ancient practices that  goes back to the very beginning of recorded history.

          According to Okoro N.(2000) The diggings of archaeologist in the countries rimming the Mediterranean  sea have turned up evidence of the use of signs to announce various events and offers.  The Romans painted walls to announce forthcoming gladiatorial contests and Phoenicians painted morals on prominent rocks along trade routes extolling the wares they sold, a precursor of modern outdoor advertising.”

          In Pompeii, a wall has been found praising a  politician and asking for the people’s votes as  far back as 1317.  another early  form of advertising was the use of town criers.  In Greece during the Golden Age, town criers were paid to circulate  through the streets  of Antheris announcing the sales of stores, Cattle and other goods as well as making public announcements.  An early singing commercials used in ancient Author went as follows” for eyes that shining for  checks  like the dawn/beauty that last after  girlhood  is  gone  /for prices in reason, the  woman who knows will buy who knows will buy  her cosmetic of Aschypots.”

          The third early form of advertising was the mark  placed by artisans on  their  individuals goods, such as pottery.  As the reputation of particular artisan spread  through word of mouth, buyers began to look for his distinctive mark, just as trademarks and brand-names are used today.  They would pay a premium for  example. Osnabruck linens, as production became more centralized and markets become more distant the mark of identifying name took on more significance.

The turning point in the history of advertising was in 1450, the year Goutenberg invented the  printing press. No longer did advertisers have to produce extra copies of sign by hand.  The first known English language advertising appeared in 1478.  in 1622, an important new medium gave advertising a substantial forward push, namely  the first English newspaper the weekly New. Later Joseph Addision and Richard Steele published the Tatler and became devotees of advertising, Addison in duded this  advice to copy writers.

The art of writing advertisement is the founding method to catch the reader.  Advertising had its greatest growth in the United States rathan then England, Benjamin Franlin is often called the father  of America’s cardle of advertising first, America industry led in the mechanization of production, which created surpluses and the need to convince consumers to buy more. Furthermore, the development  of fine network of waterways,  highways and roads made the transportation of goods and advertising media to the country side feasible.  The establishment of compulsory  public education in 1813 led to the decline of illiteracy and the growth of newspaper and magazine.   The invention of  radio and later television created two more amazing media for the dissemination  of advertising.  From then started modern advertising.


Modern advertising started in Nigeria through already existed before the advent of European advertisement.  Though this traditional forms of advertising was crude, unsophisticated and the audience are limited in number, still sellers make appropriate use of them in making their goods and services known.

However, the first advertising in made its debut in Nigeria with the first Nigeria Newspaper, namely Iwe Irohin published at Abeokuta by Rev Henry Townsend in 1859.  the advert  was mainly on the announcement of births, weeding, deaths, vacancies of job seekers, church activities etc.

Advertising in cinema came into existence in 1903. Radio and Television advertising came as a result of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) i.e for  the radio, through  the empire service for West Africa  which was established in 1932, while in 1959 television  advertising  came into existence as a result of the establishment of television broadcasting in Ibadan.

Today in Africa and Nigeria, modern media of communication has been found to be an indispensable tool of modernization and development of advertising.

Having layed the foundation of advertising , the world over and Nigeria in particular, It shall suffice now to delve into  MTN Introl history



          MTN Nigeria Communications Limited is part of the MTN Group, Africa’s leading mobile telephony Company. Incorporated in Nigeria on  November 8, 2000 as a private company, it secured licence to operate  digital (Global system for mobile telecommunications, GSM)     telephony on February 9, 2001, from the Nigerian Communications Commission.

On May 16, 2001, MTN emerged as the first to make a successful call on  its GSM network in the new dispensation.  Thereafter,  the company launched full commercial operation beginning with Lagos, Abuja and Port Harcourt.  The company now provides coverage to 85 cities and well over 5,000 communities and villages, spanning every gev-political  zone and 31 of Nigeria’s 36 states.  MTN attained the one million active subscriber mark on  February 10, 2003, and  as at December 31, 2003, had 1,650,000 active subscribers on its net work.

The company subsists on the core brand valves of leadership, integrity, innovation, relationships and a “can do “ attitude, a belief that nothing  is  impossible.

On January 20, 2003, MTN commissioned the first phase of its digital microloade transmission backbone YelloBahn Spans 3,400 kilometers and  traverses over 120 cities, villages ad communities. Y’elloBahn is Africa’s most extensive transmission infrastructure and has significantly helped to enhance call quality on MTN’s network, while coverage has been extended to more than 90  major  towns and a total over 5,000 villages and communities across Nigeria.  The second phase of Y’ello Bahn is currently ongoing and will span another4,500 kilometers.

          On  February 10, 2003 MTN recorded one million active subscribers on its network,  making  it the largest telecommunication network in Nigeria.  The company one million, six hundred and fifty thousand active  subscribers on its network as at December 31, 2004.  had a  total of 21 mobile switching centers and over 940 radio base stations across the  country, several more are in the process of being installed.

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The Impact Of Advertising On The Marketing Of Global System For Mobile (gsm) Communication In Enugu State