The Marketing Problems And Prospects Of Hotel Services In Enugu Metropolis (a Case Study Of Blue Island Hotel Enugu

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This research work was meant to examine “ the marking problems and prospects of Hotel services in Enugu metropolis (A case study of Blue Island hotel Enugu) the objectives for which the study was carried out are to find out the problems facing blue island hotel Enugu in marketing their hotel services in Enugu metropolis to find out whether Customers patronage for Blue island hotel services was as a result of the Quality of service provided by the hotel to determine whether the charges for services rendered by the hotel lead to increase in return. The population for the study include relevant staff and management of blue island hotel and their customer. Censes survey was used for  relevant staff and management, while topman’s formular was used for the customer . extensive literature review was carried out. Questionnaire collected were analyzed using tables and percentages and the  hypothesis formulated were tested using chi-square. The researcher came up with the following findings. That the quality of services provided by blue island hotel Enugu leads to the Development the company in Enugu metropolis. The promotional strategies used by hotel lead to an increase in customers awareness in Enugu metropolis. Based on this, the researcher recommends on the following; the management should improve on the quality of services that will lead to  development of the company. Managers should not believe their  hotel speak for itself  or has established good reputation and therefore not rely. Or any promotional activities in conclusion the  researcher strongly believes that if these recommendation are implemented bleu island hotel will achieve the noble objective of the company and also increase the customers patronage of the hotel Service in Enugu metropolis.                                       





Title page                                                                                 i

Approval page                                                                  ii

Dedication                                                                       iii

Acknowledgement                                                            iv

Abstract                                                                           v

Table of contents                                                             vi


INTRODUCTION                                                              1

1.1      Background of the study                                          1

1.2      Statement of the problem                                                4

1.3      Objectives of the study                                            5

1.4      Research questions                                                  6

1.5      Formulation of hypothesis                                       7

1.6      Significance of the study                                          8

1.7      Scope of the study                                                   10

1.8      Definition of terms                                                   10




LITERATURE REVIEW                                                  12

2.1      Overview of marketing                                             12

2.2      Overview of marketing of service and hotel services.       15

2.3      The services marketing mix                                     23

2.4      Classification of service                                           32

2.5      The marketing problems of hotel services                        36

2.6      The marketing prospect of hotel service                   38

2.7      Customer behaviour and motivation in the

hotel service                                                            40

2.8      Effects of competition on the marketing of the

 hotel services and operation                                   42

2.9      The marketing problems of blue island hotel in enUgu 44


3.0   RESEARCH METHODOLOGY                                         47

3.1      Sources of data                                                        47

3.2      Population of the study                                            48

3.3      Determination of sample size                                   48

3.4      Sample techniques                                                  50

3.5      Research instrument used                                       51

3.6      Reliability and validation of research instrument    52

3.7      Method of data analysis                                           52

3.8      Limitation of the study                                             53


Presentation, Analysis And Interpretation Of Data       55

4.1      Data presentation an analysis                                         55

4.2      Testing of hypothesis                                               70


SUMMARY OF FINDING RECOMMENDATION AND CONCLUSION                                                                        82

5.1      Summary of findings                                               82

5.2      Recommendation                                                     84

5.3      Conclusion                                                              85

Bibliography                                                            87

Appendix I                                                                               88

Appendix II                                                              89






In the 17th century when farming was regarded as the main occupation in Nigeria, farmers go to farm in the morning at evening hey will gather in the village square, eat, drink, rest and plan how the next day’s farming would be. This gives rise to people building houses or hurt out side their main houses to entertain visitors who may be traveling and needing a place to rest.

As time went on, they started having caravans, people will build it or intall it for travelers to lodge before proceeding on their journey. As development started coming in with the coming of the “whites” man hotels started coming up and travelers started making use of them only for sleeping accommodation. Basically, this study is meant to examine the marketing problems and prospect of hotel service in Enugu metropolis which Blue Island hotel is the case study. the Blue Island hotel and suites is an ultra modern hospitality out fit with the splendor of luxury suites and conference center. Standing elegantly at No 12 Independence avenue (Bisalla road) independence layout Enugu, the capital city of Enugu state.

It has an indelible mark of hospitality and overwhelming beauty. The location gives Blue Island a proximity advantage to areas like Enugu state Government House, the Enugu State House of Assembly complex, Federal and state Government Secretariats, and the Akanu Ibiam Airport Enugu. The hotel have developed a impeddable quest to a service f royalty, thinking of comfort in Enugu, Blue Island is the place to be.

Blue Island hotels and suites belong to the hotel sector in Enugu metropolis which have witnessed an uproar of problems since it’s establishment as a result of the poor condition of the economy poor managerial skills and techniques, economy, poor managerial skills and tedniques, employment discrimination insufficient power supply, high cost of hotel servive, lack of special offer to encourage tourists, inappropriate media for advertising programs and instability in output, these problem mentioned are not only facing Blue Island hotel Enugu alone but  does parade as a syndrome to the other entire hotel service in Enugu, metropolis. They encounter. The greatest form of instability both in structures and in output. This goes a long way to explain the unsteady setting and management or hotel industry.

Dwindling deteriorating Economy in Enugu has drastically  reduced per capital income of an average Nigeria, leading to their concentration on basic necessities of life, such as food shelter and clothing. If one looks closer at some of these hotel industries. One may discover that some of the strategies are wholesome and helpful to marketing. Some hotels keep challenging it’s strength while other hotels try to take advantage of it’s weakness. In other words, Hotel business deals with customer satisfaction before it’s organizational goal can be achieved. Hotel business will have to be marketing oriented and customer satisfaction should be the topmost priority of the hotel.

In view of the importance of hotel in the provision of the Economy and needs to better the service in the hotel, the researcher takes a critical look at the marketing problems and prospects of hotels service in Enugu metropolis with the special interest on Blue Island hotel and Suite Enugu.



The Blue Island hotel & Suite in Enugu state faced with a lot of problems s it was found in other Hotels services in Enugu metropolis. Through the hotel was situated at a strategic position in Enugu but the hotel is faced with so many hindrances over their rival competitors. These problems are inappropriate media for advertising programme. Poor managerial skill and techniques. High cost of hotel service, lack of special offers to encourage discrimination, insufficient power supply and instability in out put.

Another major bane facing the hotel today is poor human resource management. They do not have employ competent and trained personnel who has the managerial skills to manage the hotel effectively and efficiently.



The major objective of the study is to evaluate the marketing problems and prospects of hotel services in Enugu metropolis (A case study of Blue Island Hotel Enugu). Other objective of the study include the following.

1)          To find out the problems facing Blue Island hotel in marketing their services in Enugu metropolis.

2)          To determine whether the charges for service rendered by Blue Island hotel lead to increase in returns

3)          To examine whether the quality of services provided by blue island hotel will lead to a bright future for the hotel in Enugu metropolic.

4)          To find out whether customers patronage for Blue Island hotel services was as a result of the quality of services provided by the firm.

5)          To find out if the promotional strategies use by Blue Island hotel management lead to the increase to customers awareness in Enugu metropolis.



The following research questions were formulated for the purpose of this research work.

1)          Does Blue Island Hotel Service encountered any problem in marketing their services in Enugu metropolis?

2)          Does the charges for charges rendered by Blue Island Hotel leads to increase in returns in Enugu metropolis?

3)          Does the quality of services provided by Blue Island Hotel in Enugu lead to the bright future of the company?

4)          Does the increase in customers patronage for Blue Island Hotel services as a result of the Qulaity of service rendered by the firm?

5)          Does the promotional strategies used by Blue Island Hotel and Suite Enugu lead to increase in customer’s awareness?

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The Marketing Problems And Prospects Of Hotel Services In Enugu Metropolis