The Effectiveness Of Marketing Planning And Control In A Manufacturing Organization A Case Study Of Anammco In Enugu.

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The researcher is determined to see and threw more high on the effectiveness of Marketing Planning and Control in a Manufacturing Organization with ANAMMCO in Enugu as a case study.


For orderly presentation the researcher undertake a background study of the company which enable the researcher touch some major problems encountered by the company marketing planning and control.  The researcher also undertook a study of the population size and area undertook a study of the population size and area of study for collection of data about the population.  The researcher used questionnaire to determine the attitude of customers and company personnel’s about the effectiveness of marketing planning and control.


The administering of the questionnaire was done in such a way that not part of the customer was neglected.


The sample size and sampling technique used by the researcher was dividing the questionnaire into customers and company personnel’s by using Bourley’s formular in determine them to make sure that a good representation of the entire element in the market was represented.  The presentation and analysis of data for testing hypothesis was the chi – square method since data gotten appear low and incomprehensible percentage were used to make them clear.       


Finally, the researcher recommended to ANAMMCO that their effectiveness of their marketing planning and control must be improved more than it is to enable their plan be more effective.  



TITLE PAGE        -        -        -        -        -        I

APPROVAL PAGE        -        -        -        -        II

DEDICATION      -        -        -        -        -        III

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT         -        -        -        IV

ABSTRACT         -        -        -        -        -        V

TABLE OF CONTENT  -        -        -        -        VI



1.1             Introduction

1.2             Statement of problem

1.3             Objective of the study

1.4             Research hypotheses

1.5             Significance of the study

1.6             Definition of terms



2.1             Review of related literature

2.2             What is marketing planning

2.3             The marketing planning process

2.4             Managing the plan

2.5             Corporate planning

2.6             The importance of measurement and control

2.7             The marketing control process.



3.1             Research methodology

3.2             Area of study / population

3.3             The sample size and sampling techniques

3.4             Method of data collection

3.5             Method of distributing questionnaire

3.6             Description of data analysis tool for testing hypothesis



4.1             Presentation and analysis of data

4.2             Resting of hypothesis



5.1             Summary of research finding

5.2             Recommendation

5.3             Conclusion






Looking ahead and prepare for future is better than to look back and regret.  An organization especially a manufacturing in a very competitive needs to examine how it can effectively develop plan and strategies for serving its marketing.


The aim of any marketing operation is to make the future happier.  But this was not well recognized by most firms initially so job that should be handled by experts in the field of marketing were given to less qualified personnel’s and in most case this shorten the life of most business. 


Planning is the management function of setting target or objective to be achieved and detailing out ways by which the target will be achieved.


Planning is sometime greater than first thinking ahead.  In manufacturing organization (Anammco) marketing planning and control show who is to do the job (qualified marketing personnel’s) how the qualified marketing personnel’s will carryout the job and when the job will be done.


Marketing planning and control share with the others activities of the marketing mix the distinction in commerce of being a dynamic element in operation of business.  The effective of marketing planning and control in a manufacturing organization enable the organization to absorb possible shock emitting from marketing environmental change.


The subject matter is choosen by the researcher to explain the foregoing Anamco maketing planning and control in other to know its effectiveness.


According to Adirika (2003, P.11) in this lecture note, “marketing planning is an exercise of analysis for and to increase the effectiveness of marketing.  Or drawing from the past to decide in the present what to do in further in other to achieve the marketing objective enterprise efficient effective.


Marketing planning does not depends on only theory or book knowledge.  In other to plan effectively we need to understand and know about our own environment (Macro – and Mirco environment) where the marketing plan will operate.


For marketing planning and control to be effective the qualified marketing personnel that carried out the marketing and control may consider some element or feature such as time.


Marketing planning and control will be effective if the plan has a stated time, for completion, the estimate of time may be varied depending on the product or firm.


For marketing planning and control to be effective the money for material needed for the effective planning must be available and human resources.


The qualified marketing personnel’s would have a group of consumers or target markets in mind and then position the organization’s or company’s product on this target market or segment.


Marketing control played a vital role in a manufacturing organization.  If all marketing programme or plan along with other sub function are ideal and well harnessed but lack control it will be likened to driving a well structured comfortable vehicle without a steering on a very busy road.


Control is the vital follow – up process which is complementary to planning while marketing planning is deciding in advance what needs to be done, how and when it should be done.


As clearly recognized decade ago in an undertaking control consist on verifying whether everything occurs in conformity with the plan adopted, the instruction issued and principle established.  It has for object to point out weakness and error in order to rectify them and present recurrence.


Marketing control as concerned with establishing and maintaining appropriate procedure and apparatus for monitoring and measuring the implementation of marketing plan and strategies set out to active marketing objective and taking necessary corrective action.


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