Assessing The Operational Problems Of Private Broadcasting Media In Nigeria Case Study Of Vision Africa 104 1fm And Family Love 103 9fm Umuahia North

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The topic of this research work, assessing the operational problems of private broadcasting media in Nigeria is self emphatic and the research focus on the private broadcasting media of Umuahia North, Abia State Nigeria. Private broadcasting media depends to a large extent on the government and the private media owners reason that the government who deregulated broadcasting media  and set up (NBC) in decree 38 of 1992 who are in-charge of the private broadcasting media licensing renewal, and revocation should endavour to see that it thrives well also the private media owners should make efforts to see they avoid any form of operational problem. So in order for there to be progressive operation in private broadcasting media there is need to identify and curb various operational problems militating against private broadcasting media organizations in the country.

























Title page

Approval page                                                                  i

Dedication                                                                       ii

Acknowledgement                                                            iii

Table of content                                                               iv

Abstract                                                                           v


1.0   Introduction                                                            1

1.1      Background of the study                                          1

1.2      Statement of problems                                             5

1.3      Objective of the study                                              6

1.4      Significant of the study                                            7

1.5      Research questions                                                  8

1.6      Limitation of the  study                                            8

1.7      Scope of the Study                                                   9

1.8      Definition of Terms                                                  9


LITERATURE REVIEW                                                    11

2.1   Literature Review                                                     11

2.2   Trends in Newspaper Coverage of Sports in Nigeria     14

2.3   An overview of Nigeria Sports                                  22

2.4   Problems of Nigerian Sports                                     24

2.5   Roles of the Press in Tacking the Problem                      27

2.6   Theoretical Framework                                            29

2.7   Summary of literature review                                   32


RESEARCH METHODOOGY                                     33


3.1      Research design and Method of study                     33

3.2             Population of the study                                            33

3.3             Design of the study                                                  23

3.4             Sampling techniques                                               36

3.5             Instrument for Data collection                                                    36

3.6             Validation and reliability of Data Source                 36

3.7             Method of Data analysis                                          37


Data Presentation, Analysis and discussion                    38

4.1   Data presentation and analysis                               38

4.2   Discussion of findings                                             44


Summary, conclusion and Recommendations                   47

5.1      Summary of findings                                               47

5.2             Conclusion                                                              48

5.3             Recommendations                                                    50

5.4             Area of further study                                                               52

References                                                                               53






1.0                                   INTRODUCTION


1.1   Background of the Study


        Broadcasting is a global phenomenon. As an essential aspect of any nation’s social and cultural life, its significance cannot be over emphasized. Combining audio, vision and motion the broadcast media effectiveness in communicating information with speed and accuracy to heterogeneous audience has been proven over the years. However, in Nigeria for several decades following the inception  of broadcasting in 1957 (Obazele, 1996), the industry led a sheltered life shielded from the winds, the free market forces as successive regimes ensured that the sector remained an exclusive monopoly of the central government. Even the 1979 constitutional provision for the establishment of private electronic media could not change the trend.

        Heralding the emergence of private broadcasting in Nigeria, to be or not to be generated diverse opinions. Some is of the thought that the best way to use the broadcast media as a facilitator of development is to have them owned and controlled by the government, others opined that the best result will be achieved by the private sector.

        Against the background of the Nigeria public yearning for a greater variety in programming as well as alternative sources of information to the mainstream government controlled stations, the federal government during Babangida’s regime promulgated decree N0. 38 which liberalized the industry and also established the National Broadcasting Commission (NBC). This decree (38) of August 24 (1992) empowered the NBC to regulate the entire broadcast industry, both public and private.

        This singular act by the Babangida’s military presidency eclipsed the over 50 years of sole government domination of the sector in Nigeria. The NBC’s major responsibilities are, insurance, renewal and revocation of licenses as well as setting and enforcement of standard in context and quality of programmes on Radio and Television etc.

        As excepted the NBC has recorded some achievements, some of the first set of private broadcasting organization whose presidential approval secured by the NBC, had already begun full operation. These includes clapper board television Lagos, Minaj system television Obosi, Ray power in Lagos, Vision Africa Umuahia, and latter Family love Fm Umuahia.

        In the light of the original blue-print of their establishment, the private broadcasting organization are excepted to adhere to the regulatory broadcasting policies, codes and standard in the course of their operations towards attaining a set of predetermined goals laid down by the regulatory bodies such as NBC.

        The deregulation of the broadcast industry which finally kicked off in May, 1993, with issuance of television and cable satellite redistribution licenses to private organizations saw DAAR communication Limited Lagos in 1992 emerge as the first recipient of the radio licenses (Guardian Oct. 1995).

        Thus, a study directed towards examining or assessing the operational problems of private broadcasting media in Nigeria using Family Love Fm and Vision Africa Fm as a study, is a worthwhile exercise.

1.2      Statement of the Problem

In view of this discussion, this study look at the operational problems of private broadcast media (radio) in Nigeria using Vision Africa 104.1 Fm and Family Love 103.9Fm Umuahia as a case study.

Most private broadcast media (radio) are faced with a lot of problems in their operation. This is so because, since they are not owned by the government and cannot serve as the mouth piece and to some extent, this affect them because, the government is not responsible for their finances they are only sponsored by their owners and incase of financial constraint, they will surely be affected.

Most private broadcasting media lack the tactics in the management of its staffs and resources available to them and this causes lack of commitment by its workers thereby causing more harm than good to the organization.

Most private broadcasting media are faced with impediments that lead to ineffective coverage which leads to distortions in their operation.

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Assessing The Operational Problems Of Private Broadcasting Media In Nigeria Case Study Of Vision Africa 104 1fm And Family Love 103  9fm Umuahia North