Magnitude Of H.pyloriinfection And Its Association With Pre-eclampsia Among Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Care At Gandhi Memorial Hospital Addis Ababa Ethiopia.

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Background:Helicobacter pylori infections are associated with many complications ofrnpregnancy including preeclampsia and itcolonizes the gastric mucosa of about half of the world‟srnpopulation. It has been suggested that Helicobacter pylori infection could contribute to the etiopathogenesisrnrnof pre-eclampsia by inducing a pro-inflammatory state. The association H.rnpylori with preeclampsia needs to be further explored.rnObjective:To assess magnitude of H. pylori infection and its association with preeclampticpregnantrnrnwomen attending antenatal care at Gandhi Memorial hospital Addis Ababa,rnEthiopia, 2021. rnMethods:Hospital-based case control study was conducted amongclinicallydiagnosed preeclampticrnrnand Non-pre eclamptic pregnant women at Gandhi Memorial Hospital, Addis Ababa,rnEthiopia. Stool samples were collected for H. pyloriantigen test from study participants. Therncollected data was analyzed using statistical methods in SPSSversion23. Simple descriptivernstatistics was used to present the socio-demographic and clinical characteristics of the studyrnsubjects. Association between Clinical variables and H. pyloriinfection was performed withrnmultivariate logistic regression. A p-value of

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Magnitude Of H.pyloriinfection And Its Association With Pre-eclampsia Among Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Care At Gandhi Memorial Hospital Addis Ababa Ethiopia.