The Influence Of Arab And Asian Traders On Harari Music And Cultural Identity

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The objective of this study is investigating how and why the Harari peoples Music and cultural Identity isrndifferent from the other parts of the Ethiopian people. This study has mainly focused on the forms and thernscale and why this scale or music, forms and cultural identities are different from the other parts of Ethiopia.rnThe study tried to compare music and cultural identity of Harar with other parts of Ethiopia. There arernvarious forms of music practices in Harar especially in „Jogul‟, among these forms such as,rn‘Salley‟( ሳላይ ),„Miras ( ሚራስ ), Dersey‟( ዯርሲ ).The study employed Ethnographic and descriptive researchrndesign. The research approach was qualitative approach. Sources of data were both primary and secondaryrnsources. Simple random and purposive sampling techniques were employed in the research. Data collectionrninstruments were questionnaire, interview and document analysis. The relevant primary data were collectedrnthrough qualitative strategies such as interview, questionnaire and selected informants and from traditionalrnMusicians who perform music in Harar. The secondary data were including published and unpublishedrnarticles, journals, books, videos and CD. Data analysis and interpretation is carried out by descriptivernstatistics and text narration of the data obtained from various sources. The Finding of the study pointed outrnthat Harari music and culture is different from other parts of Ethiopia with its on styles which wererninfluenced by Arab and Asian which were appeared in the area as a trader, solider and visitors. In additionrnthe study identified on how the music is different and why this kind of scale is not found in other parts ofrnEthiopia and Harari Song, which is, Feqer (“simply song”) divides it to two, „gay feqer‟ (modern song) andrn„ada gay feqer‟ (cultural song”). Both Gay feqer and Ada gay feqer which shows the peculiarity of Hararirnmusic. Based on this the researcher recommend that further study need to be conducted regarding thernimportance of music, cultural identity and acculturation.

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The Influence Of Arab And Asian Traders On Harari Music And Cultural Identity