My thesis investigates the role of music in supporting or undermining ethnonational and Pan-rnEthiopian national identities, as well as the major causes of their emergence, through a criticalrnexamination of Ethiopia's past historical narrative. I extensively explore the participation ofrnmusic in national identity formation in the Derg and special emphasis on the FederalrnDemocratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE) since 1991. In this project, I mainly deployed thernqualitative research method. The main source of the data is songs. Some of the songs arernacquired from the archive. The secondary source is mainly derived from open-ended interviewsrnand questionnaires administered to my respondents, who are multidisciplinary intellectuals.rnMusic is a medium that doesn’t go in a vacuum and also it is part of the process of the pastrnhistorical narratives or discourses in Ethiopia. In this case, Music plays a major role in thernformation of ethnonational and Pan-Ethiopian national identity in Ethiopia. This thesis isrnintended to show how the participation of music in the formation of identity politics and canrncreate a collective identity formation in Ethiopia. In addition, music is a powerful tool forrnconflict transformation in Ethiopia, so that the government has to give more attention to therngreater potential of music for conflict resolution. Therefore to study music is given the chance tornunderstand a unique perspective about identity formation that can’t be found from the other fieldrnof studies like history and political science and also I believe that, this thesis provides a greaterrncontribution to the scholar those who are interested in multidisciplinary research.