A Two-yearretrospective Review On Theclinical And Electrophysiologic Profiles Of Guillain-barre Syndrome At Two Centers In Addis Ababaethiopia

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Background: The clinical manifestations and electrophysiologic patterns of Guillain-BarrernSyndrome(GBS)have been established with several studies previously.Nerve conduction studyrnhas been known to be one of the diagnostic tool complementing the clinical presentation ofrnGBS patients. The aim of this study was to assess the clinical characteristicsandrnelectrophysiologic pattern of GBSpatients at two facilities in Addis Ababa,Ethiopia.rnMethods:A retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted from October 1-30, 2020 upto byrnreviewing the medical record of GBS patientswho visited the neurology clinics at two facilitiesrnin Addis Ababa between from September 01, 2017 and September 30, 2019. Demographic,rnclinical, biochemical and electrophysiologic data were collected and analyzed.rnResults:A total of 59 GBS patients’ medical records were reviewed.Majority 46(72.8%)of thernpatients were male.The dominant age category was from 21-35 years of age having 26(44.1%)share.The mean age of the participants was 32.96 (15.04)years .Preceding illnesses wererndocumented in 21patients wherediarrheal illness was reported by the majority (38%)followed byrnupper respiratory tract infections. Quadriparesis was the most frequent presenting symptom withrn38(64.4%) patients. .Following the Nerve conduction test the two most common GBS variantsrnidentified were Acute Motor Axonal Neuropathy variant(AMAN)and AcuteInflammatoryrnDemyelinating Polyneuropathy variants of GBS.rnConclusion: The majority of GBS patientsincluded in our study were young adults whornpresented with quadriparesis, with the most common variant of GBS being AMAN variant.

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A Two-yearretrospective Review On Theclinical And Electrophysiologic Profiles Of Guillain-barre Syndrome At Two Centers In Addis Ababaethiopia