A Retrospective Study On Treatment Response Resectability And Other Surgico-pathologic Outcomes Of Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer Patients Treated With Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy At Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospitaladult

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This s t udy has investigated and reviewed the medicalrninformation services and facilities in Sudan, including arnsurvey of medical information users. This is done in order tornpropose a cooperative programme for medical libraries in Sudanrnso that the existing services and facilities could bernstrengthened.rnThe user survey has revealed that there is a lack of access tornsufficient and to up to date information sources, especiallyrn-------tt:ex.tbookB-ancLsc.iemi.fic~ournals. It also showed that there isrna need for user education programmes.rnThe survey on medical libraries r evealed that there is arnshortage o f quali f i ed library personnel,as well as a lack ofrninformation technology equipment. The investigation of existingrncooperation between medical libraries revealed that it isrnrestricted to the exchange of books , gifts, and photocopyrnservices. All surveyed libraries expressed their interest andrnwillingness to participate in an organized libr a ry network.rnBased on the findings of the study, a cooperative programme hasrnbeen proposed . This programme includes cooperative acquisition,rncataloguingprocessing, storage, interlibrary lending andrnreference services, and cooperative educationresearchrnprogrammes.rnIn order to formalize and maintain the cooperative programme,rna network for medical libraries is suggested. It is alsornsuggested that the plan for this network be a phased plan;rnPhase I includes selection of network activities,identification of participating libraries , and preparation ofrnresource sharing tools.

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A Retrospective Study On Treatment Response Resectability And Other Surgico-pathologic Outcomes Of Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer Patients Treated With Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy At Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospitaladult