A Study On The Status Of Public Primary School Physical Plants In Addis Ababa

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r be purpose of the study was to make a survey on the current status of public primaryrn.cbools in the city of Addis Ababa.rnUte needed data was obtained by means of questionnaires distributed to 30 schoolrnU1cipa!s, 28 members of school administrative committees, and 210 teachers working inrnUpublic primary schools randomly selected from five study "Zones" of the city.rnit data was analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. Accordingly thern!leiI.fch revea led the following results.rnfit of public school physical plants were found to be inadequate to implement variousrn~cl programmes because they were not primarily designed for educational purposes,rn~~yen those which were designed for educational purposes were built without overallrngS,S/SIlents and appropriate design. lnaddition, more than half of the public schools didrnt; ~~e legally acceptable school map and plan.rn0 0rnIr1 -t::bcsudy, school principals and teachers showed much .similar perception with regardrn'VlIating the adequacy and comfortability of school plants than members of schoolrnto ernjJT;.trative committees.rna~rn1rn-c thool physical plants were not located according to their functional relationshipsrnpub "J o tes comfortable for teaching-learning processes. Hence, the school compounds,rnand 0rncl&stoOms, staff-rooms and offices were not convenient for teaching-Ieamingrntbrnernseland administrative activities. Almost all public school physical plants were byrn(oceSrnP 1 ~the standard set by the MOE.rnfi:l(be 0rn. scl)ols lack the necessary repair and maintenance, for the reason that thernpublicrnonsibiliy was left to school administrative committeeS-Almost all of the respondentsrnresP. d Jltither the ed ucatI.O na I 0 ffiI ces nor t he surroun dm' g commuru.t y m. vo Iv ed m.rn. dlcaternIll . d llIlintenance of public schools.rnrepaIr anrnMost of these schools did not have educational facilities like libraries, laboratories, spacernand facilities for subjects that require practical activities.rnThe mam financial sources for public schools were found to be school fees. Thernparticipation of school committees, parents, the surrounding community in the affairs ofrnpublic school physical plants was insignificant.rnThere are no clear-cut policy statements and general guidelines about the organizationrnand administration of public schools.rnIf these problems are to be met forth rightly and directly, then careful planning and studyrnare necessary. If successful solutions with successful answers are to be arrived at,rncooperative action is desired between professional educational staff, the board ofrneducation, other community agencies and all citizens of the community.

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A Study On The Status Of Public Primary School Physical Plants In Addis Ababa