The Quantum Analysis Of The Light Produced By Coherently Driven Degenerate Three-level Atom In A Cavity Containing Parametric Amplifier And Coupled To A Vacuum Reservoir

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In this thesis, we analyze the statistical and squeezing properties of the light produced byrna degenerate three-level atom, whose top and bottom levels are coupled by coherent light,rnand available in a cavity containing degenerate parametric amplifier and coupled to a vacuumrnreservoir via a port-mirror. Employing the master equation for the system under consideration,rnwe obtain the equations of evolution for the expectation value of atomic operatorsrnand the quantum Langevin equation for the cavity mode operator. Using the steady-staternsolutions of these equations and the large time approximation, we have determined the meanrnand variance of photon number, the power spectrum of cavity mode, quadrature variance andrnquadrature squeezing. We observe that the increase of the amplitude of the driving coherentrnlight and the presence of the parametric amplifier enhance the mean and variance of thernphoton number. We have also established that the maximum quadrature squeezing is 61%rnfor _ = 0.03 and 70% for _ = 0.06 below the vacuum-state level. Thus, we note that thernpresence of parametric amplifier has positive impact on the quadrature squeezing.

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The Quantum Analysis Of The Light Produced By Coherently Driven Degenerate Three-level Atom In A Cavity Containing Parametric Amplifier And Coupled To A Vacuum Reservoir