The Lived Experience Of Pregnancy-related Anxiety Among Women With A History Of Pregnancy Loss In The Case Of Zewditu And Gandhi Memorial Hospitals Addis Ababa.

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Background: During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes significant physiologicalrnchange and it is a very vulnerable time in a woman's life which may be understood as arnpart of a woman's transition to motherhood as being with child', a paradox of joy andrnsuffering due to the coming of a newborn child and unexpected fetal loss and relatedrncomplications. Thus, during a period of transition interpersonal and emotional support asrnwell as time for personal reflection are needed. rnObjective: To gain a better understanding of lived experiences of pregnancy-relatedrnanxiety among women having a history of pregnancy loss. rnMethods: A descriptive phenomenological technique was utilized to describe thernexperiences of women about pregnancy-related anxiety with pregnant mothers having arnhistory of pregnancy loss. Participants were recruited from Zewditu and Gandhi MemorialrnHospitals in Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia. The purposive sampling (criterion)rntechnique was employed to choose participants from the chosen venues. Face-to-face indepthrninterviewsrnandrnparticipantrnobservationrnwerernusedrntornobtainrndata.rnAfterrnmakingrnsensernrnofrnallrnofrntherndata byrnreadingrnitrnrepeatedly,rnthe data wasrnbrokenrndownrnintornintelligiblernunitsrnrnorrnthemes.rnrnFollowing the progression of themes of the study, the complete data set wasrnreorganized, and a detailed account of the lived experiences was documented. rnResult: Eight pregnant women, each in a different background, took part in the study. Thernstudy's main focus was on the pregnancy-related anxiety that women with a history ofrnpregnancy loss experienced during the current pregnancy period. The circumstances ofrnfetal loss are beyond an individual's control, as well as the obstacles and challenges facedrnby women who have experienced it, as well as the incidence changing the individual livesrnand families as a whole. In general, the researcher was found four themes 'that arernemerged in the data. rn Conclusion& Recommendation: According to the study, Pregnancy-related anxiety wasrnconfirmed to be an emotional experience for women with a history of fetal loss, resultingrnin unpleasant recollections of pregnancy-related experiences for which they were notrnready, or expect such incidence to happen to their life. As a result, women who havernemotional difficulties or experiences throughout the data collection period were given rnpsychological assistance, and psychoeducation is provided on times and locations ofrntreatment that are accessible to them.

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The Lived Experience Of Pregnancy-related Anxiety Among Women With A History Of Pregnancy Loss In The Case Of Zewditu And Gandhi Memorial Hospitals Addis Ababa.