The Contribution Of Faith Based Organizations In Alleviating The Urban Poverty Of Addis Ababa A Case Study Of Three Faith Based Organizations

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The number of urbanites in Ethiopia is small when compared to the total number ofrnPopulation; and out of the total number of urbanites a significant proportion lives underrnPoverty. Addis Ababa has the lion's share of the number of urbanites of the country as wellrnAs the urban poor in the country. Basically, urban poverty is characterized by highrnUnemployment and crime rate, poor sanitation, poor infrastructure, malnutrition, slumrnhouses and areas, inability to send children to school, lack of reliable income, etc.rnThe Prevalence of these characteristics of urban poverty has been increasing from time tornTime in the City. Reducing this level of poverty is not an easy task and requires thernconcerted efforts of all segments of the society. Faith Based organizations are part of thernSociety and they have tremendous potential in promoting community participation andrnmobilization of resources. In view of this, the study is conducted to assess theirrncontribution in reducing the level of poverty in Addis Ababa. The study has focused on thernintervention of the FBOs through sponsoring and participating in income generationrnactivities. The study is conducted on three FBOs namely, The Ethiopian Orthodox Church ChildrnAnd Family Affaires Organization(EOC-CFAO), Ethiopian Islamic Affairs SupremernCouncil-The Ethiopian Muslims Development Agency (EIASC-EMDA) and The EthiopianrnKalehiwot Church-Medan Acts Project. (EKHC-Medan Acts)rnIt has been learned that about 502 individuals have benefited from the income generatingrnactivities of the FBOs, and they are enabled to create employment and generate income.rnThe organizations have been providing vocational skill training, and/or seed money. Somern20% of the IGA beneficiaries were selected for the study and the data required for thernstudy have been collected from both primary and second GlY sources.rnThe survey has indicated that a large proportion of the respondents have experiencedrnsubstantial increase in their periodic income . It is also learned that the beneficiaries werernable to send back their children to School!. The scale of operation and the sustain inability ofrnthe IGA , however, are highly tied up with the availability of donors. The institutions alsornhave capacity limitation to undertake large scale projects. Furthermore , the absence ofrnproper monitoring and follow -up mechanisms, well developed documentations, and jointrnaction (partnership) with government institutions are some of the factors hampering therninstitutions' operation.rnThe study, whose major aim is strengthening the contribution of FBOs in fighting poverty,rnhas put forward the following recommendations:rn• The leaders of FBOs should do Their level best 10 increase The institutional and humanrnresource capacities of the organizations.rn• Financiers (donors) should look into the possibilities of increasing the scale ofrnOperation of the FBOs and should not attach their financing plan to short term projectsrnOnly.rn• The alleviation of urban poverty requires a joint and concerted action of all segments ofrnThe society. Therefore, the FEOs should work in collaboration and consultation withrnGovernmental, non-governmental and civic organizations.

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The Contribution Of Faith Based Organizations In Alleviating The Urban Poverty Of Addis Ababa A Case Study Of Three Faith Based Organizations