The Relationship Between Nutritional Status And Quality Of Life Among Breast Cancer Patients In Ethiopia Treated At Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital And Saint Paul Millennium Medical College

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Background: Breast Cancer patients often suffer from a substantial loss in weight and energy asrna result of changes in appetite and metabolism. The prevalence of malnutrition in breast cancerrnpatients ranges from 30% to 60%. While it is already a proven fact that malnutrition is prevalentrnamong cancer patients, the relationship between nutritional status and quality of life among (QoL)rnin breast cancer patients had not been adequately explored.rnrnObjectives: This study is conducted to determine the association between nutritional status andrnquality of life of Breast Cancer patients at Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital (TASH) and St.rnPaul’s Hospital Millennium Medical College (SPMMC), Addis Ababa, 2020.rnrnMethods: A cross-sectional study on breast cancer patients treated at Tikur Anbessa specializedrnhospital (TASH) and St. Paul millennium medical college (SPHMMC) oncology centres outpatientrnrnand in-patient departments was done from May to August 2020 . Consecutive samplingrnwas used to select study participants. Nutritional status was assessed using subjective globalrnassessment (SGA) screening tool. Quality of life was assessed using the European Organizationrnfor Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire Cancer 30 (EORTC QLQ C30)rnarnqualityrnofrnlifernmeasurementrnscalernforrncancerrnpatients.rnTorndeterminernthernrelationshiprnbetweenrnrnqualityrnofrnlifernscoresrnandrnnutritionalrnstatusrnmultivariablernlinearrnregressionrnwasrnused.rnrnResults: A total of 411 consecutive breast cancer patients were included. A high prevalence of rnmoderate (30.9%) and severe (25.7%) malnutrition was observed. Regarding the quality of life rnscores of these patients: The mean of overall quality of life of the study participants was (M=61.33rn(SD=20.83)). Among the functional scale domains; the first domain with the highest mean scorernwas cognitive functioning (M=76.85 (SD=26.87)). The lowest mean among functional scales wasrnobserved in social functioning (M=55.03 (SD=36.26)). The domain with the highest mean amongrnthe symptom scales was fatigue (M=48.98 (SD=29.03)) The lowest mean scores were observed inrnNausea and vomiting (M=21.65 (SD=31.60)). Moderate and severe malnutrition were negativelyrnassociated with overall quality of life β = −9.21 CI (−14.59, −4.67) and β = −17.81 CI (−16.6, −2.91) respectively. Malnutrition also showed negative associations with all domains of functionalrnstatus and strong positive associations with symptom scores covered in the EORTC QLQ C-30. rnrnConclusion: This study revealed that the magnitude of malnutrition in the breast cancer populationrnis very large and the compromization of their nutritional status also playes a significant role inrndecreasing their quality of life. rn.

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The Relationship Between Nutritional Status And Quality Of Life Among Breast Cancer Patients In Ethiopia Treated At Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital And Saint Paul Millennium Medical College