A cross-sectional study was conducted to assess the KAP ( Knowledge, Attitude andrnPractice) of mothers towards feed ing their chi ldren aged 6 months to 5 years in l-Iawa.Michael Kebele,rnBugna Wereda North Wallo Zone of Ethiopia. The study encompassed all chil dren in the studyrnpopulation. The area is typically drought stricken and fam ine is very frequent.rnA total of SIS children were emolled in to this study. Data were collected using a structuredrnquestionnaire. Intensive training was given to data collectors and supervisors. Rigorous supervision wasrncarried out dming weight and height measurements in order to improve the validity of measurement.rnThe overall malnutrition level for height based on age was 2S%, weight for height 12% andrnweight for age was 26% . Neither knowledge, practice nor attitude were found to have an associationrnwith the nutritional status of the children in the study area. Multi variate analysis showed number ofrnchildren adjOR= I. 62 1 (1.030-2.549) and sex adjOR=1.60l(1.062-2AI4) to be significantly associatedrnwi th underweight and sex adjOR=1.03S(l.007-1.995) to be signiflcantly associated with stunting inrnchildren .rnThe level of malnutr ition in this study is unexpectedly lower than previous studies done inrnother par1s of the country. The seemingly inconsistent finding may be due to the continuous food aidrnprovided by various donors to the study population in response to recurren t drought. Besides, the foodrnaid which is given to al l people might have affected the association between knowledge, attitude andrnpractice with the nutritional status of children. ln conclusion. the study did not show an effect ofrnknowledge, attitude and practice of mothers on the nutritional status of their children when variousrnconfounders are considered. It is recommended that food aid cont inue since the rate of malnutrition