The Use Of Students Questionnaire In Identification Of Communities At Risk Of Kefa South-west Ethiopia

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A study was conducted to test the application of thernso called "indirect questionnaire approach" using keyrninformants, for the assessment of high risk areas forrnonchocerciasis. The objective was to determine thernvalidity, cost-effectiveness and operational feasibilityrnof questionnaires. Questionnaires were designed andrndistributed to six junior high schools via the educationrnofficer and administered to 1385 students through theirrnteachers. Validation test was undertaken on 1345 studentsrnof the same schools. Using the Spearman rank correlationrnanalysis on the positive response rate on the indictorsrnof onchocerciasis to the parasitological results,all thernquestions were negatively correlated,due to probably poorrnperception, immune tolerance and lack of attention to thernmanifestations in the high risk areas.Report of "nodule"rnwas the only significantly correlated. The use ofrneducational sector was found to be feasible.The indirectrnquestionnaire approach was seven times less expensive,rnwith comparable time and coverage as the biomedicalrnapproach. The study area was found to have high prevalencern(15.5%) of microfilm rate in young teenagers,and thernendemic area wider. Further study is recommended to assessrnthe applicability of the approach, in different socioeconomicrnand demographic situations.

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The Use Of Students Questionnaire In Identification Of Communities At Risk Of Kefa South-west Ethiopia