The Effect Of Violence On Adverse Reproductive Health Outcomes Among Anc Clients In Woliso Town Southwest Shewa Zone Oromia Regional State Ethiopia.

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Back ground: It is globally acknowledged that violence against females is leastrnconsidered sever problem due to different hindrances like cultural, economical, social rnand deep rooted male dominancy throughout the world. Besides this in the studyrnarea health institutions there are no researches conducted on the effect of violencernagainst females on adverse reproductive health outcomes.rn rnObjective: The study was intended to assess and compare the effect of violence onrnadverse reproductive health outcomes and or sexually transmitted infections among rnantenatal care visitor clients. rn rnMethods: A case control study was conducted among antenatal care visitors of St.rnLukes Catholic hospital and woliso health center which are found in Woliso town, rnSouth West Shewa administrative zone. Mothers who have at least one adversernreproductive health outcome or sexually transmitted infections were considered asrncases and those who have no as controls in which the total sample size, were 198rncases and 202 controls included. The Xrn2rn-test and OR with 95 % CI was applied forrndata analysis. A binary logistic regression analysis method has been used to assessrnthe effect of independent variables.rnrnResult: Women experiencing sexual violence were about 4 times higher at riskrnamong cases when compared to controls [OR =3.74, 95% CI (2.17-6.45)]. Similarlyrnthe chance of experiencing psychological violence was more than 2 times higherrnamong cases compared to the controls [OR=2.14, 95%CI (1.36-3.36)]. The likelyrnhood of experiencing any form of violence during pregnancy was more than 3 timesrnhigher among cases than controls [OR=3.27, 95%CI(1.35-7.88)]. However there wasrnnot significant association in experiencing physical violence among cases andrncontrols. rn rn Conclusion and Recommendation: The study revealed that risk of sexual andrnpsychological violence among cases was higher than controls. Therefore when, rnwomen come with any form of adverse reproductive health outcome assessing theirrnexperience of violence is necessary, and those exposed to the problem should getrnappropriate health care management.

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The Effect Of Violence On Adverse Reproductive Health Outcomes Among Anc Clients In Woliso Town Southwest Shewa Zone Oromia Regional State Ethiopia.