A Correlation Study Of Imaging Patterns And Intra-operative Findings With Histopathology Of Spinal Tumors At Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital And Zewditu Memorial Hospital Addis Ababa University Addis Ababa Ethiopia

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Background: - Spinal cord tumors constitute 10-32% of all primary central nervous systemrntumors (1, 2). Spinal tumors are classified based on their location as extradural and intradural.rnIntradural tumors are classified as extra medullary and intramedullary depending on involvementrnof substance of the spinal cord. There are different radiological modalities used to evaluate spinalrntumors but MRI is by far superior to all. Accurate radiologic and histopathology diagnosis isrncrucial in deciding the type of management a patient should undergo and to ensure a goodrnprognosis. At times Intraoperative and histopathology finding of spinal lesions turn out to berndifferent from the type diagnosed by radiologic investigation modalities. Therefore, this studyrnaims to determine the correlation of imaging pattern of spinal tumors with that of intra-operativernand histopathology findings. rnObjective: The purpose of this study is to assess correlation between imaging pattern and intraoperativernrnfindings with histopathology of spinal tumors at Tikur Anbessa Hospital and ZewditurnMemorial Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. rnMethods: A facility based retrospective cross-sectional study of 47 patients was done from Mayrn2018 to October 2020. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data for analysis. rnResults: - Out of the 47 cases, intradural extra medullary tumors constituted 37 cases (78%)rnfollowed by extradural tumors which constituted 6 cases (12.8 %) and the third beingrnintramedullary tumors which constituted4 cases (9.2%). Of all the cases the commonestrnpathology was schwannoma 13 cases (27.7%) followed by meningioma 12 cases (25.5%).rnSchwannomas were more common in males and meningioma was more common in females. Ofrnall the 47 cases, 27 cases (57.4%) were located in the Thoracic level followed by cervical level 9rncases (19.1%). Among 17 cases for which bone involvement was mentioned in the report, 10rncases (21.3%) showed adjacent bone involvement with the commonest change being lyticrnchanges seen in 4 cases (8.5%). Among 33 cases for which presence or absence of syrinx werernmentioned on the report, 28 cases (59.6%) did not have syrinx. rn Out of the 47 cases, 12 cases (25.5%) did not have a definite intraoperative diagnosis, and fromrnthe remaining cases with definite intra-operative diagnosis 21 cases (44.6 %) correlated with thernimaging diagnosis and 14 cases (29.7%) were in a disagreement. The correlation of imagingrndiagnosis with that of histopathology diagnosis 61.7% were in agreement and 38.3 % were inrndisagreement. From the cases that had intra-operative diagnosis, 42.6 % were in agreement andrn31.9 % were in disagreement with histo-pathology diagnosis.

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A Correlation Study Of Imaging Patterns And Intra-operative Findings With Histopathology Of Spinal Tumors At Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital And Zewditu Memorial Hospital Addis Ababa University Addis Ababa Ethiopia