The Role Of Urban Agriculture On Women Empowerment In Addis Ababa The Case Of Vegetable Dairy And Poultry Production Program Beneficiaries In Akaki Kality Sub City

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Urban agriculture considered as a means of women empowerment and poverty alleviationrnspecially minimizing food insecurity of urban poor. Thus this study is aimed to evaluate thernrole of urban agriculture in women empowerment considering political, social, economic andrnpsychological dimensions among women engaged in urban farming at Akaki sub-city, AddisrnAbaba. Quantitative research design was mainly employed by complementing it with arnqualitative approach to triangulate the findings. A total of 274 study subjects were selectedrnfor quantitative study and 14 key informants were selected for qualitative interview. Fiverndimensions and 10 indicators (5DE) were used to measure empowerment and multiple linearrnregressions were estimated to assess predictors of empowerment index. Thematic analysisrnwas done for qualitative data and responses with similar ideas were summarised andrndiscussed. The study finding revealed that women farmer in the study area empowered withrn80% of empowerment proportion and 0.93 5DE scores. Control over autonomy inrnproduction, control over income, and decision on Purchase, sale, or transfer of assets werernthe three top contributing indicators for women empowerment. However, access to loans orrncredit was the least contributing indicator. Money-saving habits, years of stay in the activity,rnand women's education status were some of the factors which were positively linked with thernempowerment of women. Based on the qualitative finding women are highly benefited fromrntheir participation in urban agriculture in terms of getting access to income, having a goodrnsocial cohesion, and access to fresh food. Adequate land, waste disposal site, and inadequaternsupport from governmental bodies, inadequate working land, and lack of finance werernchallenging situations for urban women farmers. Generally, urban farming highlyrncontributes to women's empowerment therefore government should provide different supportrnfor women farmer to sustain women empowerment.

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The Role Of Urban Agriculture On Women Empowerment In Addis Ababa The Case Of Vegetable Dairy And Poultry Production Program Beneficiaries In Akaki Kality Sub City