The Role Of Life Style Incompatibility In Condo Housing Preference Of Condo Owners Among Slumdwellers In Addis Ababab The Case Of Lideta Condominium

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Lack of affordable, standard housing in all urban areas in Ethiopia in general and Addis Ababarnin particular, is one of the most pressing matters that called for immediate action. Consequently,rnthe the defunct EPRDF government launched what it called „Integrated Housing DevelopmentrnProgramme(IHDP)‟since 2006 aimimg to construct 400,000 low cost housing units targettingrnlow and middle income citizens. Sofar, total of 1,859 condominium units were constructed andrndistributed in Lideta sub city (MUDHCo,2015). However majority of the condo winners eitherrnleft their new condo residence or never moved in asper the expectations, rather rented it out tornthe better off and they remained slum dwellers. Therefore, this study intends to identify if thernhousing preferences of condo- winners slum -dwellers is influenced by incompatibilites inrnlifestyles at Lideta sub city, in Addis Ababa.rnThe study employed lifestyle concept and measurement using housing AIOs (Activity, Interestrnand Opinion statements) to help determine lifestyle characterstics of condo-winners slumdwellers and their housing choice. It further examines socioeconomic influences in housingrnconsumption preferences of the study participants. To this end, the researcher used quantitativernand qualitative approach as a methodology to address the research questions. Data wererncollected through a semi-structured questionnaire distributed to 160 selected respondents, with 4rnkey informant interviews and a focus group discussion conducted at area of the study. Therntechnique used to analyze data was frequency, percentage and crosstabulations along withrnPerson Chi squares tests.rnThe findings indicated that the housing preferences of condo lottery winners but slum dwellersrnappeared to have been adversely impacted by incompatiblity of lifestyle changes at Lideta condorndwellings. Due to socioeconomic constraints and limited upward mobility the commoning,rnprimordial household activities and modes of living practiced at the kebele houses are largelyrnmaintained at the condo dwelling, and are unaccommodated at the site owing to lack of specificrncondo housing and community features. The long standing and highly regarded socio-culturalrnwelfare systems such as Idire, Eqube, mahiber/Jemaat are either rarely or never practiced at thernsite, resulting in reduced social interaction at the condo dwelling. Thus, both sociocultural andrneconomic constraints combined to to hinder lifestyle transitions of the condo lottery winners whornremained slum dwellers.rnIt is, therefore, suggested that pertinent government bodies and housing developers need to takernsteps to prioritize congruity in design interms of accommodating our commoning householdrnactivities, socio-cultural heritages to ensure smooth housing transition. It was also suggestedrnthat the city authorities, in collaboration with financial institutions, need to work out incomegenerating schemes to enhance socio-economic status of condo winners slum dwellers to helprnthem afford the housing consumption.

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The Role Of Life Style Incompatibility In Condo Housing Preference Of Condo Owners Among Slumdwellers In Addis Ababab The Case Of Lideta Condominium