The Impact Of Decentralization On Efficiency And Meritocracy Of The Civil Service In Ethiopia The Case Of Oromia And Southern Nations Nationalities And Peoples Regions

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The concept oj Civil Service has various dimensions. One oj its dimensions relates it to thernsystem oj personnel administrations that are applied to the government employees. Th e secondrnJocuses on the government Junctions by the people who occupy job positions that are neitherrnpolitical, juridical nor militwy. The third is related to employees oj government ministries andrnagencies.rnCivil Service also takes different Jorms and structures in different systems oj governance. In arndecentralized system, it is related to a larger extent, to the responsibilities oj the decentralizedrnunits. There are numerous benefits oj the Civil Service in decentralization. It is reported that inrndecentraliza tion , Civil Service is capable oj providing efficient and relevant public services tornthe local conditions.rnIII Ethiopia, even though th ere were some attempts oj decentralization through regionalizationrnoj the country, where some regions were considered as autonomous, it was only afier 1991 thatrndecentralization was taken as a major political measure. In 1991, when the EPRDF took overrnpolitical power, one oj the first political measures taken was the regionalization oj the countryrnalong ethnic lines. The ethnic based regions established thus have been enjoying autonomousrnstatus with respect to government activities that fall under their authority. The Civil Service,rnhence, is one oj the responsibilities oj the regions. The usual tradition, where the centralrnministries and agencies control and supervise the regional Civil Service activities has been nornlonger the practice.This system has its own impact upon the efficiency and meritocracy of the Civil Service of thernregions. Accordingly, it is found that the efficiency of the regional Civil Service is underminedrnafter the ethnic based decentralization has been undertaken in the countly . This is due to thernfact that the organization structure of some bureaus and offices does not help to achievingrnefficiency. There are bureaus and offices in the regions that are established with little tasks tornpeltorm and there are also other bureaus and ofJices of which the tasks are similar with othersrnbut unnecessarily established as separate entities. Moreover, some bureaus and offices arernoperating in costly and delayed implementation of Civil Service administration.rnIn addition, the merit aspect of the regional Civil Service is at risk because of the ethnic basedrndecentralization. This is due to the prevalence of ethnic and language issues and therninterference of political considerations in the operations of the Civil Service at the Regionalrnlevels.

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The Impact Of Decentralization On Efficiency And Meritocracy Of The Civil Service In Ethiopia The Case Of Oromia And Southern Nations Nationalities And Peoples Regions