The Impact Of Agricultural Bio-chemical Technologies On Rural Household Food Security The Case Study Of Two Weredas In Oromia Region

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The Ethiopian agricultural sector, as well documented in many literatures, isrncharacterized by poor technology adoption and as a result low productivity per unit area.rnThe food supply alld demand gap is so high with its resultant outcome of high prevalencernof temporary and chronic food insecurity. The dependence on rainfall, severernenvironmental degradation and high man land ratio are some of the major problems ofrnthe sector with their consequent results of persistent crop failures, drought and famine.rnTo curb the problem of food shortages and food insecurity, the country has adoptedrnvarious strategies in which use of agricultural bio-chemical technologies (Jertilizer, ---- improved seeds alld chemicals), in one way or anoth2r, has been the centerpiece of these _rnstrategies.rnThe contributioll of these agricultural bio-chelilical inputs, undoubtedly, is positive forrnfood self-sufficiency rather than for food security. This is also true for areas where therernis abundant and reliable rainfall. /n lowland areas where moisture is critical for croprnproduction, their impact on increased grain production could be marginal.rnThus the hypothesis of this research is that the use agricultural biochemical illputs alonerncallnot be a means to achieve reasonable level of household food security due tornvariations in resource endowments at household level, ecological variations, incom?gaprnand unique characteristics of the households themselves. To prove this hypothesis anrnintensive review of literatures and data was made. Primary data were also collectedrnfrom two weredas (HelOsa and Dodota-Sire) of Arsi zone Oronlia Region consisting ofrnten peasalll associations (kebeles) and 142 households.rnThe hypothesis of this research is proved 10 be true, that fertilizer, improved seeds andrnchemicals by themselves have insignificalll contriburion and they only explained 21.1 perrncent of the variations in household food security (the food self-sufficiency scenario) orrnthirty three per cent ill the case of food availability scenario. Only fertilizer has a ---significantrnimpac/ on food security among the three. The variations in food security levelrnis more explained by a combined effect of many socioeconomic variables. Taking intornconsideratioll eleven variables they explained 81 per cent of the variations in the level qfrnhousehold food security.rnThus, the policy implication is that household food security is lIlultidimensional, complexrnand driven by factors ranging from economic, social, political and socio-cultural as wellrnas environmental. To alleviate this problem a single productioll oriented strategies,rnmainly focussed on use of modem agricultural inputs, which may not be affordable andrnsuitable for resource poor and various agro-ecologies cannot be an appropriaternmeasure. The strategy should, rather, aims at the inherent condition of the s:ocioeconomicrnand socio-cultural as well as environmental settings of that particular locality

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The Impact Of Agricultural Bio-chemical Technologies On Rural Household Food Security The Case Study Of Two Weredas In Oromia Region