The Role Of Local Government In National Development (a Case Study Of Igb-eze North Local Government Area Enugu State)

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The topic of this study is the role of local Government in National Development (a case stud of Igbo-Eze. North Local Government Area of Enugu State. This research work is aimed at finding out the role of local government in achieving National Development. However, the researcher sourced her data through questionnaire, textbooks and government publications. The reliability of the researchers instrument was tested and proved reliable. Based on the findings of the researcher the following recommendation were made

1.          Igbo-Eze North local Government should be able to enlighten the residents on the councils role and object so as to make them aware of what is going on around them.

2.          The council should device means of eradicating official corruption and chance accountability.

3.          The financial allocation from both state and federal to the council should be increased.

4.          The condition of services of the council should be enhanced in order to attract and retain more competent and highly qualified performance on the services.

5.          the council should be professionalized




Cover page

Title page

Certification page




Table of content

Chapter one


1.1              Background of the study

1.2              Statement of the problem

1.3              Objective of the study

1.4              Researcher questions

1.5              Significance of the study

1.6              Scope of the study

1.7              Limitations of the study


Chapter two

Review of related literature

2.1      Meaning of local government

2.2      Local government reforms in Nigeria

2.3      Relationship between and government and national government

2.4      Empirical literature

2.5      The need for local government


Chapter three

Research design and methodology

3.1      Source of data

3.2      Population of study

3.3      Determination of sample size

3.4      Sample Technique

3.5      Selection and construction of researcher instrument

3.6      Administration of Research Instrument

3.7      Instrument Return rate


Chapter four

Date presentation and analysis

4.1      Date presentation

4.2      Data analysis

Chapter five

Summary of findings, recommendation and conclusion

        Summary of findings

























1.0              INTRODUCTION

Local government exists to fill the gap, which the national government is too remote to fill. This means that local government complements and extends the national government. It has been recognized as one important instrument for rural transformation and for the delivery of social services development has passed through some stages of reforms since its evolution.

In Nigeria local government as the third tier of government nearest of the people has been recognized as an institution capable of transforming the areas of the rural inhabitant. Consequently, there has been continuous attempts either to create new local government or lamp the existing one’s in the country with the objective utilizing them as fulcrums for achieving national development.

There has been an increasing upsurge of interest in the literature of development administration and in planning circles on the positive role local government could play in national development. The emphasis is in terms of using local government as a strategic instrument for fostering, promoting and implement national development project.

1.1       background of the study

Local government administration is used as a form of devolution of powers of the state. It is the government at the grass root level that is designed to serve as instrument of rural transformation and development to the society in general.

Local government in Nigeria plays roe especially in promoting co-ordinating and providing community, amenities as well as encouraging greater mass participation and involvement in the running of local government affairs and the use of local resources to the optional level. From ideological perspective, local government for tiers the principles of democracy as local government rings government nearer to the people and if properly designed gives room for mass participation in governance.

Furthermore, local government are designed to achieve multi-dimensional goals in term of economic, social and political development, local government, which is the focus of this write up in responsible for the provision of basic community regiments. To achieve its objective, Igbo-Eze North local government should be adequately funded, and manned by well trained, dedicated personnel.

1.2              Statement of the Problem

The creation of Igbo-North local government in 1996 by the military government under late General Sami Abacha’s administration was meant to bring development to the doorsteps of the various communities viz. Umu Ogbo-Agu, Aji, Umuida, Ogurute, Uda, Imufu, etc. it is important to state that local government should not be abandoned while drafting the constitution in order to strengthen the importance to national development. The autonomy of the local government should be recognized to enable it serve as effective third tier of government as stated in the constitution. Igbo-Eze North local government has not been granted enough financial stratus and power to sustain itself and he able to provide welfare services. Again, community dwells hardly assist the local government in implementing government project and this is serous set back to the delivery of qualitative and qualitative services to the local communities                 

1.3               Objectives of the Study

The creation of local government by the federal or state government is to bring government closer to the people and also foster the development of the local citizenry. The following are the objective of this study:

1.          To ascertain whether Igbo-Eze North local government council is able to accelerate development in terms of national development

2.          To find out whether corruption among Igbo-Eze North local government personnel affected the execution of community development project.

3.          T examine whether lack of adequate finance  has hindered national development  in Igbo-Eze North local government area.

All these will be assessed and examined in order to ascertain those things that are likely going to act as a cog on the course of implementing national programmes in the local government.

1.4       Research Questions

Having surveyed the objectives of this study the following research question arises:

1.          Has lack of adequate financing hindered national development in Igbo-Eze North Local Government area?

2.          Has Igbo-Eze north local government council been able to effectively mobilize the rural people in terms of national devolvement project?

3.          How has corruption among Igbo-Eze North local government personnel  adversely affected national development project in the area.    

1.5        Significance of the Study

The essence of this project is to contribute to knowledge in brining a general awareness of the people in relation to national development to the local government. One major task I wish to pursuer is to help through this research study to presented an impartial report of the performance of Igbo-Eze North local government.

It is also hoped that recommendations of this report will assist government at all levels of implementation of their development programmes.

More so, this project work will also be usefully to the civil servants especially those at the administrative positions in formulating and implementing government policies and programmes. Political official holder will also find this document useful in tackling the challenges of policy implementation.

Furthermore, the result of this study would assist both the federal, state and local government in meeting the aspirations and needs of the people particularly in the rural area.

Finally this study cold be a basic on which further research may be carried out.               

1.6           Scope of the Study

This research is actually to ascertain the role of local government in national development in Nigeria thus, the researcher selected Igbo-Eze north local government as she could conveniently cover.    

1.7          Limitation of the Study

The researcher however, encountered series of problems in the course of carrying out this study such problems include;

a.           Data collection many respondents could not feel free to express that opinion.

b.          Shortage of fund: lack of adequate fund for carrying out this research work also constitute problem.

Time frame to go to the field, libraries and write the report and submit at the required time also constitute problems to the researcher. In spite of all these problems or hindrances, the researcher did her best


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The Role Of Local Government In National Development