In Ethiopia approximately 1.2 million people were living with HIVIAIDS in 2010.rnIt is known that 134,586 children live with HIVIAIDS. Out of these, more thanrn67, 000 are estimated to be eligible for Anti Retroviral Treatment (ART) but onlyrn4863 were taking HIVIAIDS Anti Retroviral Treatment by March 2008. AlthoughrnAntiretroviral Treatment (ART) has decreased HIV-associated mortality andrnmorbidity, a number of patients still die after the start of ART The objective ofrnthis study was to assess prevalence of some adverse drug reactions among HIVinfectedrnchildren under ART The patients were those on ART follow-up atrnHosanna H05pital. A sample of 1 05 patients has been collected among patients onrnART !i'OII! May 2005 to April; 2013. The analysis of the data using the binOlYrnlogistic regression showed that AZT-associated anemia, d4T-associatedrnperipheral neuropathy and NVP-associated skin rash had influence on thernsurvival of patients. i. e. Children HIV patients under ART follow up haverndeveloped AZT-associated anemia, d4T-associated peripheral neuropathy andrnNVP-associated skin rash. The results of the study indicated that adverse drugrnreaction has relation with age, baseline weight, baseline CD4 counts, WHOrnclinical stages and ART regimen Health workers should take into account thernrelationship between clinical parameters and that of complete blood group count,rnchemistry tests and enzyme tests to decide the overall situation for all HIVinfectedrnpatients under ART And the Drug Administration and Control Authorityrnshould strengthen the regular monitoring of ADRs especially those associatedrnwith ARVs.