The Socioeconomic Roles Of Religion The Case Of Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahetlo Churches In Addis Ababa

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The primary purpose of this thesis is to desc ibe rhe socioeconomic roles of religion wilh arnparticular reference to Ethiopian Orthodox Churches in Addis Ababa. Having thernepistemological stance of construct ivislll, thl's research is condllcred lIsing rhe theoreticalrnperspective of interpritivism. The researcher adopts a phenomenological methodology andrnmainly emphasizing on inteJpreting the data obtained from respondents. In relation to the datarncollection methods, key informant interviews, locus group discussion (FGDs), observations andrninformal conversations have been used. By using sllch methods. this research answers fOllr basicrnque slions in relation to the main objective, First, it describes about the understanding ofrnOrthodox Christians towards religiosity and its present condition in Addis Ababa. With respectrn10 this, findings suggest that Orthodox Christians understand religiosity in ways that are linkedrnto religious knowledge and practice in general, and they understand religiosity in terms ofrnchurch allendance , religious adherence, religious services and occl/parion, private religiousrndevotion s, and religiolls donations in particular. Second, this research describes the role ofrnEthiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Churches (EOTCs) in the provision of social support. Findingsrnreveal that Churches provide three kinds of support: emotional support, provision of food, andrnprovision of clothes. Third, this thesis explains aboUl the Church's role in affecting the nalllre ofrnsocial and interpersonal relationships of its followers. Accordingly, this research finds thatrnEOTCs plays both positive and negative roles on the interactions of individuals. It promotesrnintera ction between its fol/owers, and, on the other hand, it has a negative impact on thernrelationship between Orthodox Christians and followers of other religion. Finally, an attemptrnhas been made to describe Ihe Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Churches in the provision ofrnhealth care services. In fhis regard. the Church uses ;ts spiritual practices as a means ofrnproviding health care services to laWes. Tsebel, Qeba Qidus and Emnet are among the spiri/ualrnpractices which are used as a means of delil'ering health care services in the city. Of thosernspiritual practices, n'ebel is the most widely lIsed mode of healings in the Ethiopian OrthodoxrnTewahedo Churches.rnFrom the findings of this research, ;t is possible to conclude that religion ;s an inherently arnsocial phenomenon, and it has many effects on the socioeconomic life of a certain community. Ifrnso, this kind of researches on the socioeconomic aspects of religion will playa great role i/1rnproviding vital information for policy makerJ: and administrators to lise religiolls organizationsrnas a working partner in implementing their social and economic policies. N!oreover, this studyrnadds knowledge by bringing 10 light the socio -e conomic roles of EOTCs in Addis Ababa.

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The Socioeconomic Roles Of Religion The Case Of Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahetlo Churches In Addis Ababa