An Assessment Of Resettlement In Ethiopia A Case Study Of Gidda Kiramu Sirdoorosite In East Wollaga Zone

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The major objective of this study is evaluating the 2002/03 resettlement program in Ethi op ia. The programrnwas also examined for the presence of individual motives other than food security. In vest igation was madernin terms of the experience of resettlers as farmers, its policy, and implementation procedures in Sire Doorornsite of East Wollaga zo nal administration in The Regional State ofOromia.rnThe method followed to meet the objectives included qualitative analysis and interpretation of datarnco llected by in-depth interviewing, observation, etc., and by invest igation of secondary so urces of data suchrnas the 1994 constitution, the policy (guide line) of resettlement, etc and other works in the area of my study.rnA total of 56 informants were interviewed out of which data obtained from 21 key informants of all rangesrnof age, sex, education, and experience as farmers were incorporated in this thesi . Moreover, the CulturalrnConsensus Model was employed to bring out variety of information about the background of resettlers whenrnthe other methods fail to do so in the study.rnComparison of features of previous resettlement programs with the present ones was made to illuminaterndifferences and similarities as part of the research des ign in the study. The role and nature ofcontlict in thernarea was assessed critically. Unlike previous studies on the subject of resett lement, the present studyrnconsidered how the capacity of implementers, and the experience of resettlers as farmers were affecting thernprogram in general.rnThe major findings of the present study include; the observation that the conventional evaluation ofrnconflicts which affect the success of the program was not ethnic based and that they were rather resourcernbased. Despite its spontaneity at initial stage, the current resettlement was being carried out underrnconditions of availability of a huge amount of money made available by the Regional State of Oromia. Myrnobservation allowed me to see that the program was being implemented according to the policy except in arnfew instances regarding its preparation. The social services like schools, clinics, the dry weather road, andrnsmall market were being shared by the local population as well. Lack of compatibility of the resettlemetrnprogram with the constitutional rights and with the traditional land tenure system was identified byrninvestigation. There were indications that the experience of resettlers as farmers had affected theirrnproductivity in the program. It was also revealed in the present study that the conventional alliancernbetween all Amhara occupants had shifted to an alliance between a portion of the Amharas with the Oromorncommunity in the locality. The fact that the ethnic line that opposing groups seemed to follow had playedrnonly symbolic role was evidenced in the observation of the present study. There were even more evidencesrnto this like the presence of armed Amhara militias in Oromo farmers' association in the site of my study.rnThe establishment of marriages between the Amhara and Oromo communities in the locality indicated thatrnthere are no sanctions that prohibit the formation of such social relations and that the possibility for ethnicrnVIrnbased conflict was unlikely to occur in th e site at least immedi ately after impl ementation of the program.rnThe study has a considerab le significance for policy makers and implementers of agricul tural projects suchrnas that being carried out in Ethiopia, where a large proporti on of the population suffe rs from fam ine eachrnyear. It can also contribute to the effort to bridge the gap of knowledge in understanding di fferent forms ofrnresettlement in Ethiopia. Generally, the study wi ll have a criti ca l role in determining the strategy forrnimplementation of resettlement programs, in policy formu lation, site se lecti on, and recruitment of reset tiers .

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An Assessment Of Resettlement In Ethiopia A Case Study  Of Gidda Kiramu Sirdoorosite In East Wollaga Zone