An Investigation Of Behavioral Problems In Secondary School Adolescents Types Contributing Factors And Schools Treatment Practices

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The IlI'esent study "'ied to investigate the prevalence of behavioralrnproblems in secondary schools, More specifically, the purpose of thisrnstudy is to investigate ~ he contributing factors for the existence ofrnbehavior Ilroblems and evaluate the treatment practices of the schools,rnCombined and sellar'ate contributing factors wer'e investigated , 120rnstudents and 40 teacher's were consulted t/lI'ough questionnaire and 2rncounselors and 2 dil-ectors were interviewed, Three types of r'atingrnscales were prepar'ed to determine the existence of IlI'oblems behaviorsrn(externalizing and Internalizing), contributing factor's and desir'ablerntr'eatments,rnThe data was analyzed emilloying, chi-square test, Hest and correlationrncoefficients, The r'esults of the statistical analysis revealed existence ofrn'extel'llalizing behavior problems, the three contributing factors andrnundesirable " 'eatment Ilractices at (p< 0,05), Significant mean ratingrndiffer'ences were also obser'ved between the teachers and students onrncontributing factor, measures (i.e, home and school) and treatmentrnmeasures, Stells ar'e suggested to handle the problems. of adolescentsrnin school, and preventive str'ategies were also recommended

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An Investigation Of Behavioral Problems In Secondary School Adolescents Types Contributing Factors And Schools Treatment Practices