An Investigation Into Students Writing Reluctance During University Writing Courses

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The purpose of this study was to investigate students' reluctance tornwriting in ELl' classroom. The study took place in the context ofrnuniversity writing courses.rnFor the purpose, the perspectives of those who are directly experiencingrnsuch apathetic academic behaviors were the main subjects of the study.rnIn addition, course instructors, who are close to students, were also thernsource of information. Moreover, attempts were made to obtain datarnabout the students' disengaged behaviors through systematicrnobservations of classrooms in live situations.rnThe researcher used both deductive and inductive analysis methods.rnThe data collected through instructors' interview and classroomrnobservations were analyzed through content analysis methods. Inrnaddition, the responses to the items in the students' questionnaire werernanalyzed through descriptive statistical techniques.rnThe study went through two stages: describing features thatrncharacterize reluctant writers and exploring student beliefs about whatrnhindered their engagement with writing in English classroom. Thernresults of stage one of the study revealed that uncooperativeness inrngroup activities, unwillingness to show their work for proofreading,rnskipping necessary steps of writing tasks, tending to copy others work,rnand disorganized and tattered works are among the characterizingrnfeatures of reluctant writers.rnResults from stage two of this research suggest that lacle of necessaryrnsub skills, lack of confidence in ucwlemic writing, language teachers'rnreluctance to read students' works, failure of teachers' to explainrnappropriate strategies, and students' self-beliefs about future careerrngoals were among the main factors influencing students' engagement.rnThe results of this study implied that reluctant students are a largerngroup of many of our writing classrooms and therefore languagernteachers in general and writing teachers in particular can identifyrnsuccess factors with these students by focusing on promoting theirrnengagement with the writing process. Thus, understanding whornreluctant writers are and what they believe about what hindered theirrnengagement will equip the writing instructors for designing effectivernintervention strategies to promote the engagement.

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An Investigation Into Students Writing Reluctance During University Writing Courses