The Status Of Bovine Tuberculosis In Selected Areas Of North Gondar Administrative Zone Ethiopia

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Mycobacterium bovis CM. bovis) is one of the members of Mycobacterium tuberculosis rncomplex, which infects both animals an d man causing mamma li an tuberculosis. A cross rnsectional and case contr ol studies were co nducted in Dembia and Gond ar d istricts of North rnGondar from September 2005 to April 2006 to detennine the prevalence of bovine rntuberculosis (BTS) and associated risk factors and assess the sources of infection of human rntuberculosis (HTS). In the cross sectional study, cattle from extensive (310) and semi rnmtenslve (31 5) production systems were tested with the comparative intradermal tuberculm rntest (CI O). In the case control study design, 50 human tuberculous patients (cases) and a rnsimilar number of patients visiting the hospilal for some other health problems other than rntuberculosis were intetyiewed about their hyglemc practices. feeding habits and cattle rnmanagement practices that would contribute to the transmission and maintenance of the rndisease. From each of the cases and control groups, 200 cattle owned or auended by them rnwere tested with the CID test. Ofall 1025 ammals cxammed,21% were POSill'e. In the cross rnsecuonal S dy, assuming doubtful reactors as negati'c, prevalence was higher ( 16 ,8~-'o) 10 rnsemi-lOtenslve producti on system than extenSive (11.6%) and thiS difference was significant rn(p

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The Status Of Bovine Tuberculosis In Selected Areas Of North  Gondar Administrative Zone Ethiopia