Study On Bovine Brucellosis In Cattle Slaughtered At Addis Ababa And Sululta Abattoirs With Focus On Occupational Hazard

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A cross - sec ti onal study was ca rri ed out at the Addis Ababa and S ululta abaHoi rs to rninvestigate the status o f bov ine brucellosis and to assess the occupational ha za rd a ssociated rnwith brucellosis in abatt oi r work e rs. The work was condu c ted from Septe mber 2005 0 rnMarch 2006. rnThe study methodology cons isted of sc roprcvalcnce st udy o n both cattle slaught ered at the rnabauoirs and also on humans wo rking in th e aba lt oirs. Ri sk fac to rs we re a lso assessed both rnin cattle and humans. Addi tiona ll y. quest ionnaire surveys wcre condu cted on abattoir rnworkers. rn total of 150 I cattlc. 759 from Addis Ababa abalto ir and 742 from Sululta aballo lf were rnIncluded in this stud y. Blood sa mples were collected from 1304 male and 197 female cattle rnQut of the total of 1501 cattle slaughtered in th e abattoirs, 1398 ere local and ]03 rncrossbred callie. In addition. 67 abattoir workers from 5ulult

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Study On Bovine Brucellosis In Cattle Slaughtered At Addis Ababa  And Sululta Abattoirs With Focus On Occupational Hazard