A Description Of The Primary Animal Health Prograivimes In Selected Areas Of Southern Sudan And Ethiopia And A First Assessment Of Programme Impacts

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In selected areas of southern Sudan (juba, Tcrekeka. Kapoeta) and Ethiopia (Afar. Zone 3 and 5; North Wollo) a study Wa!) conducted with the objectives to describe primary ammal heJ..lth care activities and approaches. to determine the level of community participation in anima] health services delivery. to assess the efficiency of primary animal health care workers and, thus. to provide a first assessment of the impact of PAHC activities on livestock disease control and livestock production Jote the study areas In u!:.lng partiCipatory appraisal (PA ) methods as well as structured questionnaires active data were collected through 90 and 30 livestock owner group imerviews. as well as through 53 and 9 CAHV and 15 and 22 government animal health worker questionnaires during January to May 2001 in southern Sudnn and during July and August 2001 in Ethiopia. respectively PA data collected on iniciuded disease changes. milk uses and ocher benerits obtamed from healthy anlmals. community pamcipation in PAHC implementation and preferences In animal health sen Ices delivery Triangulation was used for the PA data collected in the fidd: for il!Hll~SIS of quantionaires PA data so factor changes were dtterrmned Structured questionnaire data were collected on demographics. activties and work Constnunts of CAHW and government vetenanry workers Addiuonally. government vetennary~ statt was(., asked on the lives.tock disease situation as well as on their aisessment of communir animal health care delivery in the respecuve .study areas. Acuvlty rauos were calculated to quantify and :ompare CAHW trealtmeni and vccination activitIes

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A Description Of The Primary Animal Health Prograivimes In Selected Areas Of Southern Sudan And Ethiopia And A First Assessment Of Programme Impacts