Study On The Prevalence Of Bovine Cysticercosis In Awassa Municipal Abattoir And Taen Sagnlnain Awassa Tows And Its Surroungs Southern Ethiopia

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The stud y was made from October 2005 to April 2006 at the Southern Nat ion, ationalities rnand Peoples Regi on. Awassa town and its su rroundings. It was carried out with the overall rnobjecti ve of providing base line data on the prevalence of C bovis'T saginata. A total of 400 rncarcasses of randomly selected bovine animals we re used fOT the active abattoir survey. The rnstudy comprised of an active abattoir survey data collection at Awassa municipal abattoir. rnquestionnaire sur. cy on 'oluntecr respondents and an inventory of phannaceutical drug stores rnand shops in Awassa town. Of the 400 carcasses examined during the study period. 105 rn(26.25%) were infected with C. bonos. The distribution of organs tissues infected with C. bO 'is rnwerc. heart (11.25',). diaphragm (1.75',). masseter (8.5',). kidney (0.25',). lung (OJ'·,). rnshoulder (9°'0) . tongue (3.25° '0). and liver (0.75°0). Analysis of active abattoir survey revealed rnthat there was a significant difference ( P < 0.05. OR = 3.34) between breeds. but there were no rnsignificant differences observed in the infection rates between sex (P > 0.05. ;( = 0.02) and rnorigin (P > 0.05. OR = 0.87) of the animals. The viability test on all isolated bladder WOnTIS rnshowed that -l4.2% were viable. The tonf,1Uc. heart. shoulder and masseter muscles had the rnhighest number of viable (11.25°0), (9°0), (8.5°0) cysts respectively. Based on the rnquestionnaire SUI'cy. T. saginaw taeniasis is a v .. ide spread problem In Awassa town and it s rnsurroundings. 64.1 00 of the respondents had contracted taeniasis due to T. saginala. The rnpotential risk factors of taeniasis namely. age. sex. religion. occupation, educational le cis, rnraw meet consumption. use of spices during meat consumptio n and marital status were rnconsidered . The prealence of taeniosis was slightly significant by the age of the respondents rn(P 0.05 and ;! = 0.44). Among ~ luslim and Christian communities. it was found that there rnwas a statistical significant difference in the pre·alence oftaemosis (P

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Study On The Prevalence Of Bovine Cysticercosis In Awassa Municipal Abattoir And Taen Sagnlnain Awassa  Tows And Its Surroungs Southern Ethiopia