Cover Page The Effective Taxation In Local Government (a Case Study Of Ugwuogo Nike Community)

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Title page

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Table of  content

List of tables

 List of figures


 Chapter one


1.1  Background of the study

1.2  Statement of  the study

1.3  Purpose of the study

1.4  Research questions

1.5  Significance of the study

1.6  Scope of the study

1.7  Definition of terms


Review of  related literature

2.1 taxing the  individuals and persons exempted  from tax

2.2 corporate taxation and  structure rate of  taxation

2.3 dwindling revenue base, offences and penalties

2.4 local government taxing powers and  chargeable income 

2.5 Public reaction toward imposition of tax

2.6 summary of the related literature reviewed


Research methodology

3.1 research design

3.2 area of the  study

3.3 Population of the  study

3.4 sample and  sampling techniques

3.5 instrument of data collection

3.6 validity of the   instrument

 3.7 reliability of the instrument

3.8 method  of the data  administration

3.9 method of data analysis


4.1 data presentation and results

4.2 summary of  finding 


5.1 discussion of the  results

5.2 conclusion

5.3 implication of the study

5.4       recommendation

5.5       Suggestion for further study

5.6       Limitation of the study


Appendix A

 Appendix B

 list of tables

table 2.1 Income tax rate I Nigeria  1998

table 4.1 variable cluster A

table 4.2 variable cluster B

table 4.3 variable cluster C

table 4.4 variable cluster D







Taxation is an important severe of  government  revenue  and a wheel  on which the  economy  balance 

Taxation refers to a compulsory payment of money from private individuals, institution or groups to  the  government .

Taxation mean to some  people    a means  whereby the   government  collects money from the  general public. This set of individuals see it as unnecessary burden   and  could  evade and  avoid on the basis of  predetermined  criteria.

Nigeria tax Authority presuppose that the citizentery  would  be honest to  declare their  real income in the  tax  return. This has been  the  status  grow  since the  inception of  organized  taxation in Nigeria.

The aim of this  work was to identity the problems  causes and  offer possible  solutions  to the  problems   militating  against the effective  taxation in Ugwugo    Nike community in  Enugu East local  government   area.

The non appreciation of these problems compound the problems encountered by tax administration

The  opinions of  the  tax  administrators  were sought in respect of these problems  and  its cause and  sought in respect of the problems and  its  causes and  how it affect them in their  role  as  tax  administrators 

The frequency contacts assigned to the  implications  of the findings were highlighted.

The work is also divided into five chapters.  Chapter one an introduction analysis, two  is the  review of related literatures, there deals with the methodology of research, which chapter four is for the  presentation and analysis of data presentation and   chapter five contain conclusion and recommendation.












1.1                      BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY

 Taxation   referees to a compulsory transfer payment of money from private individuals, institutions  or  groups of  the  Government .  Tax is levied on the  basis  of  predetermined criteria  and  without receipt  of  a specific  benefit  of  equal value  (i.e it is  not  done  not build a school or a hospital personally for  you because  you  have paid  your taxes. Tax may be levied upon wealth,  income, profit and  or in the  form of a surcharge on princes. 

          The origin  of  taxation date back to the  reign of  Caesar, when Jesus Christ was asked  if it is right to pay taxes to Caesar, he simply said that what is  due to   Caesar should   be  given  to  Caesar implying  that  the  act of  imposing  taxes on the citizenry  is  justified.  Mathew chapter 22 verse 15 to verses  22..

 Taxes are different  from hospital  bill etc.  which though social service   but citizens  have to  support the  continuity  of  such  organization   that offer them  by paying a taken fee.


1.2             STATEMENT  OF PROBLEM

 The major  problems  that has been  militating against the realization  of  sufficient revenue  through taxation in Enugu East local  government  are

1. Tax Evasion and  Avoidance: This problem is perpetuated  due to non- availability  of accurate  data of   the  taxable adults.

2. Another problem is  communication  gap between the  tax authority and  the    tax payers: most  if  not all   do not know how  much  they are  supposed to  pay as  tax  within a given  year.

3. Also the  tax  laws  are  written  technical  words and  are complex  for  the  comprehension of  the “ common  man” in  the  suburb.

4. Ignorance of the implication of non-payment of tax liability lies or tax avoidance are prevalent   in Enugu East local Government area.  Hence this research.


1.3                      PURPOSE  OF THE STUDY

 The  researcher has  the following aims in mind in   conducting  this  study  1.  to  discover how  the  tax  evasion and  avoidance  contributes on non-  availability of  accurate data of the  taxable adults.

2. to know that  the  communication   gap  between the  tax  authority and the tax payers is dividing the   payment of taxes.

3. To  ascertain  how the technical words in tax  laws crate  confession into the public (ie tax payers)

4.  to showcases  the implication  of non payment of  tax liability lies.  


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