The Impact Of Audit Committee On Financial Management Of An Organization

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The impact of a Good Audit committee on the financial management of an organization can not be over emphasized. This is because internal control is the bedrock of any organization that wants continuity in the existence of the organization. The problem facing 7up bottling company plc is that the do not have an internal control system and also they lack organizational control. I make use of primary and secondary source of data collection, Oral interview, questionnaire, Newspaper etc. and found out that loses occure on daily bases due to there is no relationship between 7up company plc and audit committee. Then I came to a conclusion, therefore it is conclusively to say that the financial management of an organization via internal control system may never be possible if the board and senior managements are not committed in providing well planed internal control system.










Title page                                                                     ii

Approval page                                                               iii

Dedication                                                                    iv

Acknowledgements                                                        v

Abstract                                                                       vii

Table of contents                                                           viii

List of table                                                                  xi



1.1      Background of the study                                          1

1.2      Statement of problem                                              6

1.3      Objectives of the study                                            8

1.4      Research hypothesis                                               8

1.5      Research questions                                                 9

1.6      Significance of the study                                         10

1.7      Scope and limitation of the study                              12

1.8      Historical development of 7up Bottling company Plc    14

1.9      Definition of terms                                                  16


2.0 Literature Review

2.1  The Audit Committee                                               22

2.2  The Audit committee duties                                      25

2.3  Membership and operations                                     27

2.4  Role in oversight of financial reporting and Accounting       29

2.5  Monitoring internal control process                                  30

2.6  Meaning, membership composition and functions of an audit committee                                                                     36

2.7  Classification of fraud and causes condition that give rise to fraud                                                                          40

2.8  Examples of management fraud and employees fraud  42

2.9  Inadequate by which organization manages its

scarce fund                                                                   44


3.0 Research Design and Methodology

3.1  Research Design                                                     57

3.2  Population of the study and sample size                           57

3.3  Sources of data collection                                        58

3.4  Validity and reliability test                                       61


4.0 Presentation and Analysis of Data

4.1  Analysis of Data                                                     62

4.2  Test of hypothesis                                                  63


Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations

5.1  Summary of major findings                                      71

5.2  Conclusion                                                            74

5.3  Recommendations                                                  75

5.4  Suggestion for further research                                77

       Reference                                                              78

        Appendix I                                                            80

       Appendix II                                                           81



















Table 4.1                                                                     63

Table 4.2                                                                     64

Table 4.3                                                                     66

Table 4.4                                                                     68



According to Orjih John (2001:2) every business organization profit making has objectives and goals in mined to achieve their goals. It is to satisfy the social need of the citizens, and in the achievement of these purpose supervisor more often than not its activities, play a document role. The size and scope impossible for the executors to exercise personal and first hand supervision of operations. It is in this light that audit committee, financial or otherwise established by management is initiated.

By section 360 of the companies and avoid matter act 2004, the auditor is expected to carry out investigations as would be necessary to enable him from a opinion. It follows from above, that even the law does specify the extent of the examination to be carried out by the auditor. This is left to the director of the auditor. This decretion is not abused by the auditor. In practice he goes beyond the legal requirement in discharging his duties and his primary focus is to plan for the projects to be audited and how each project it’s the organization’s needs. This brings to bear on his job a very high standard of professional practice and considerations.

An auditor will therefore involve for distinct practice and procedures via:

Ascertain the validity of original transactions.

Confirming the completeness and accuracy of the recording of these transactions.

Ensuring that the financial statements have been prepared from and are in agreements have been prepared from and are in agreements with the record and

Confirming that the financial statements conform to the relevant status and accounting standards.

According to Chambers Andrews (1974), a complex organization needs an auditor as an extension of the eyes and ears of management who however effective the organization might be unable to inspect the work of their subordinates whose stewardship is dilegated to them.

Internal control system can be broadly divided into two main categories.

1.  Administrative control

2.  Accounting or financial

It is the accounting or financial control function that internal audit, audit committee, internal checks and other accounting policies and systems built into the initial control network to promote and encourage the attainment of the objectives of the firm.

Initial audit is an initial function which means that it is conducted by the employers of an organization specially designed for this purpose.

It is an organization management responsibility to establish the department not to do so.

The objective of audit committee as internal auditing is to assist all members of management in the effective discharge of their responsibilities, by furnishing them with analysis, appraisal, recommendation and pertinent commentary in the activities reviewed.

To attain such overall objective, initial audit involves such activities as:

1.  Reviewing and apprasing the soundness, adequacy and application of accounting, financial and other operating controls and recommending effective control at a reasonable cost.

2.  Ascertain the reliability and relevance of management data development within the organization.

3.  Appraising the quality performance in carrying out assigned responsibilities.

Where an internal audit department operates the statutory auditor pays particular attention to its activities as these will have a direct bearing on the scope and depth required by members.

According to Onovo (2011:282), the auditor should consider whether analytical procedures that are perform at or near the end of the audit when forming an overall conclusion as to whether the financial statement as a whole are consistent with the audit’s knowledge of the business indicate a previously unrecognized risk of material misstatement due to fraud. Determining which particular tends and relationships may indicate a risk of material misstatement due to fraud require professional judgment.

       Material misstatement of financial statement due to fraud offer involved the manipulation of the financial reporting process by recording inappropriate of unauthorized journal entries throughout the year or at period end, or making adjustments to amounts reported in the financial statements that are not reflected in formal journals entries, such as through consolidating adjustment and reclassifications.


It has been stated earlier that the duty of detecting frauds and irregularities lies with the management.

This could only be done through effective and efficient audit committee of the internal control system in an organization. But even with the presence of the internal auditor some problem are still inherent in organization that interfere with goal attainment.

These include:

Stock disappears in large numbers on their daily basis.

Assets are either misappropriated or not accounted for.

Those names appear in large numbers on payroll and are undetected for at longtime.

Physical cash are stolen while signatures are forged in cheques also to steal cash frauds perpetuated are only being discovered after longtime.

This project is intended to find out with the above or other problem. If any, is caused by lack of good internal control system by the audit committee in an organization.

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The Impact Of Audit Committee On Financial Management Of An Organization