Assessment Of Nurses Attitudes Toward Nursing Profession And Associated Factors In Addis Ababa Public Hospitalsethiopia2021.

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Back-ground: unfavorable attitude toward nursing profession remaining the global problem. For rnmany years, started in Florence nightingales nursing has been denied as a profession due to thernhistoric background and considered as physician‟s assistant. Attitude is the pillar of the nursingrnprofession which is more related to fundamental concepts of the nursing profession, likernautonomy, being in the sense of public, accountability, respect and integrity Attitude of nursesrntoward nursing profession may varies depends on age, work experience, social supportingrnfactors, organizational factors and nurses image toward their profession. Objectives: this studyrnaimed to assess nurses‟ attitude toward the nursing profession and associated factors in AddisrnAbaba public hospitals, Ethiopia, 2021. Methodology: Institutional based quantitative cross-rnsectional study design was conducted in five randomly selected public hospitals. A structuredrnself-administered questionnaire was use to collect data from study participants from February tornMarch 2021. Systematic random sampling method was used to select study participants fromrnstudy populations. The collected data were entered and analyzed by using SPSS 25version. Bivariaternrnand multiple logistic regression analysis were computed to describe the associationrnbetween attitude and independent variables. A variable at P- value less than 0.05 with 95% of CIrnwas declared as statically significant. Result: A total of 357 nurses were selected to participate inrnthis study, among these, 348 participated making a 97.5% of response rate. A total of 60.6%rn(n=211) of study participants were female and 39.4% (n=137) were male. Only 36.5% of thernstudy participants were members of the Ethiopian Nursing Association. About 29.6 %( n=103)rnwere proud to be nurses. Older age nurses [(AOR: 1.19; 95% CI: 0.625, 13.37)], better monthlyrnincome [(AOR: 3.25; 95% CI: 1.873, 68.226)], good managerial support [(AOR: 2.40; 95% CI:rn0.197, 26.702)], availability of performance appraisal [(AOR: 1.37; 95% CI: 0.123, 5.884)],rnethical related training [(AOR: 1.50; 95% CI: 0.35, 6.407)], positive nurses image [(AOR: 2.32;rn95% CI: 0.166, 34.950)], positive public image [(AOR: 4.73; 95% CI: 2.136, 88.109)] werernsignificantly associated with overall nurses attitude toward nursing profession. Conclusions andrnRecommendation: The overall attitude of nurses in Addis Ababa city public hospitals towardrntheir profession was falls below average level. Majority of nurses had an intention to resign theirrnprofession due to low payment. To increases nurses attitude toward their profession, all stakernholders should contribute their role by focusing on factors affects nurses‟ attitude.

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Assessment Of Nurses Attitudes Toward Nursing Profession And Associated Factors In Addis Ababa Public Hospitalsethiopia2021.