Antihypertensive Medication Adherence And Its Associated Factors Among Hypertensive Patients In North Showa Zone Public Hospitals Ethiopia 2021

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Adherence to antihypertensive medication plays a tremendous role in controlling BP,rnhowever poor adherence to antihypertensive medication leads to complications of HTN,rnwastage of health care resources, and workload on health care providers which results inrnpoor clinical outcome. This study aimed to assess antihypertensive medication adherencernand its associated factors among hypertensive patients’ in North Showa Zone publicrnhospitals’, Oromia regional state, North Ethiopia. 2021. An institutional-based crosssectionalrnstudyrnwasrnconductedrnfromrnFebruaryrn8rntornMarchrn8/2021rninrnthreernpublicrnhospitalsrnrnofrnNorthrnShowarnZone.rnOutrnofrnfourrnpublicrnhospitals,rnthreernhospitalsrnwerernselectedrnthroughrnrnsimplernrandomrnsamplingrntechniquesrnandrnthernfinalrnsamplernsizern348rnwasrnselectedrnsystematicrnrnrandomrnsampling.rnDatarnwerernchecked,rncleanedrnandrnenteredrnintornEpirndatarnsoftwarernversionrnrn3.1,rnandrnimportedrntornSPSSrnversionrn23rnsoftwarernforrnanalysis.rnDescriptivernanalysisrnwasrndonernrnandrnpresentedrninrnrnfrequencies and percentages. The association between independent andrndependent variables was analyzed using bivariate and multivariate analysis, and variablesrnthat show P-values of < 0.05 with 95% CI will be considered statistically significant. Thisrnstudy includes 348 participants with a 97.4% response rate. Of the respondents, 56.9%rnadhere to their medication. Marital status (AOR=3.24,95%CI=1.12-9.60), residencern(AOR=2.59,95%CI=1.42-4.75), Controlled BP (AOR=4.26, 95%CI=2.37-7.67), numberrnof medication (AOR= 2.59,95%CI=1.35-4.97), comorbidity (AOR=2.24, 95%CI=1.334.67),rnrnknowledge (AOR=5.01,95%CI=2.69-9.35), insurance coverage userrn(AOR=2.20,95%CI=1.23-3.95) and forgetfulness were found statistically significant. Thernadherence status of this study was sub-optimal and the knowledge status of patients aboutrnHTN and their treatments was the most associated factor. Give health education forrnpatients about HTN and its treatments, early diagnosis, and management of comorbidity,rnand adherence counseling are important for improving the adherence status of clients.

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Antihypertensive Medication Adherence And Its Associated Factors Among Hypertensive Patients In North Showa Zone Public Hospitals Ethiopia 2021