Nurses Knowledge Attitude And Practice Towards Face Mask And Its Associated Factors During Covid-19 Pandemic In Selected Governmental Hospitals Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2021.
ABSTRACT rnBackground: Wearing face masks is considered as an effective technique of preventing respiratoryrntract infections including COVID-19 and Proper utilization of face masks by healthcare givers canrndecrease air born viral respiratory infection contamination by 80%. However, a little is known aboutrnknowledge attitude and practices of nurses concerning face mask use, and it is very important tornidentify the gaps and mediate immediately to control the spread of infection. rnObjective: The aim of this study was to determine nurse‟s knowledge, attitude, practice, and itsrnassociated factors towards face mask during COVID-19 pandemic in Addis Ababa governmentalrnhospitals, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2021. rnMethod: - Across-sectional, quantitative study was conducted from February to May 2021.rnThe study covered 422 nurses working in selected governmental hospitals in Addis Ababa,rnEthiopia. Data were collected using a pre-tested self-administered questionnaire adoptedrnfrom different studies after getting agreement from the study participants. After the datarnwere collected, entered to Epidata version 3.1 and analyzed using SPSS version 25.Arndescriptive statistics ware used. Bivariate and multivariate logistic regression model was used to rnmeasure the association between the predictor and outcome variables. Statistical significance wasrndeclared at p-value