Prevalence Of Diabetic Foot Ulcer And Its Associated Factors Among Diabetic Patients Attending Diabetic Follow-up Clinic At Public Hospitals Of Wolaita And Goffa Zonessouth Ethiopia2021.

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Diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) is defined as a localized wound of the skin and/or underlying tissue rnbelow the uncle in people with diabetes mellitus irrespective of duration. It is one of the chronicrncomplications of diabetes which has more than 25% lifetime risk and it is the leading cause ofrnnon-traumatic lower limb amputation. In Ethiopia there are no major studies assessed thernprevalence and associated factors of diabetic foot ulcers among diabetic patients at a zonal orrnregional level. The objective of this study was to assess the prevalence and its associated factorsrnof diabetic foot ulcers among diabetic patients attending follow-up clinics at public hospitals ofrnGoff and Wolaita zones south Ethiopia. An institution-based cross-sectional study was conductedrnfrom March 1-30/2021. Systematic random sampling technique was used to select the studyrnsubjects. Epi data and SPSS version 20 was used for data cleaning and analysis. Bi-varriate andrnmulti-varriate logstic regression was done to identify independent predictors of diabetic foo ulcer.rnThe prevalence of diabetic foot ulcer was found to be 22.6%. Five variables;poor foot carernperipheral neuropathy ,duration of diabetes >=10 years,HbA1c level >=7.0mg/dl , andrnoverweight had statistically significant association with diabetic foot ulcer .The prevalence ofrndiabetic foot ulcer at the study area is high. Responsible bodies should work hardly to preventrndiabetic foot ulcer and its related complications.

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Prevalence Of Diabetic Foot Ulcer And Its Associated Factors Among Diabetic Patients Attending Diabetic Follow-up Clinic At Public Hospitals Of Wolaita And Goffa Zonessouth Ethiopia2021.